Nadia x MC who can't take things seriously

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❀They are exactly the kind of person Nadia needs in her life. 

❀Things can get a little serious in Vesuvia, especially for a Countess, so she could really use someone silly goofy to help her unwind.

❀There's a lot of stress on Nadia's shoulders, so MC's unserious nature makes it easier for her to relax and take both a physical and a mental break from all her big girl duties. 

❀She does love that MC can be serious, tho. Balance is important and she adores a partner she can rely on.

❀MC is a sweet goofball, all good vibes, but if anything happens, Nadia 100% can count on them. 

❀She can also count on them when it comes to making her laugh. And damn, her laugh is so beautiful, so this is a very good thing.

❀You said that MC is giggling their silly face off? How cute! Nadia is going to shower them with kisses to make them giggle even more. Perhaps she'd even tickle them for extra laughs.

❀Making fun of the courtiers on a daily basis does make meetings a little less hard to sit through. 

❀Unserious MC would also get along really well with a certain Satrinava sibling. Yes, it's Natiqa. She's definitely dragging MC along for a few pranks. 

❀Let's be honest, Nadia is a serious woman most of the time. With this MC, she'd learn how to be a little more relaxed. As a result, people would find her more approachable too, which is good because Nadia is actually a very sweet, warm, loving person, who deserves to be seen as the incredible woman that she is.

Loving The Countess of Vesuvia (Nadia requests and headcanons)Where stories live. Discover now