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Honestly, if they could, your parents would have pulled you out of school years ago to homeschool you.

But no matter how many times they asked the board of directors at Hexside, you were just too much of an asset for them to lose, and they didn't fully trust homeschooling practices, since Hexside at least attempts to give their students social lives.

Which in your case failed, but still.

So, to make up for the "poorer educational standards" that your school had, according to your mother, a Hexside alumni, you had to do extra curricular work on top of all of your already set work from school.

But all of this work has to do with magic.

Mainly, teaching you all the magic that Hexside couldn't, since you were capped onto one track.

Plants, oracles, construction, beast keeping.
Every track.

All of it was something that you had to be at least vaguely skilled at in order for the Emperor's coven to even cast a glance in your general direction.

So, you had to learn it all.

Today you had your tutor Mr Fletcher teaching you, he helped you in general mastery of the core elements of magic.
Light, plant, fire and ice.

You thought the combo of elements was strange, but chose to ignore it since, honestly, you were great at basic elemental magic.

Since it was a single element, it was easy to come up with it instantly, like a wall of ice or a blast of fire.

For you, it basically required no attention paid to it, unlike something more complicated like teleportation.

In a bind, it was your go to, not abomination magic.
You didn't even like abomination magic that much.

Out of the eight tracks at school, it was probably the last one you would have picked, except maybe the potions tracks, and probably just because Boscha was in that track.

You liked the physical movement, the action, the split second responses that came with close combat.
But, abomination magic meant you just got to sit back and watch someone else do it, and then fail miserably because abominations aren't that well co-ordinated.

All of these thoughts were wandering through your head until you heard your shoe clack against the ground.

The path you were walking on had turned to stone and you were stood at the walkway towards your family's manor.

Quickly turning on your heel, you jogged up to the door, turned the doorknob and pressed your body weight into the wood, slowly opening it as the door body creaked against its massive hinges.

The smell of the antique wood accenting every room in the house had hit your nose once again.

You barely managed to step a foot inside your house before your mother, donning a simple, yet probably ridiculously expensive lounge dress had stood in front of you, with an overwhelming smile on her face.

"Oh hello darling, you're just in time! I have someone I would like you to meet!"
She seemed ecstatic, almost buzzing or floating off the ground from the news.

There were very few times you had ever seen her this happy, the other time you remember seeing it was when she found out the second baby she was carrying was a boy.

"You do? Who is it?" You cooed in curiosity.

"I managed to pull a few strings and have someone come here to test your academic abilities, like an educational advisor so you can figure out your next steps. He'll be helping you cover abomination magic with you for today instead of your usual routine."

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