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You sighed at the nickname he'd given you,
"Fancy seeing you here, Golden Guard."
You smiled to yourself as the mask on his face didn't change.

Then immediately winced at yourself for the way you talked to him.

You were praying to Titan that he took it well as you started to shake a little.

"Well, I work here. I'm surprised to see you here though."
He seemed upbeat, setting his staff against a wall and sitting down, with a fist propping up his chin as he seemed to be looking at you.


"Darius is teaching Amity today, since the way we learn is too different, I have to figure out what I'm going to do for the evening."
You got back to throwing around beads of water in your hands, rigidly standing still as they followed a consistent path.

The Guard seemed to be looking at what you were doing, but thinking to himself and shuffling around to attempt to get comfy.

Not much conversation was happening between the two of you.

The guard seemed surprisingly awkward considering his position, you didn't know why he was still here to be honest.

He was sat down at his desk, fiddling with his gloves.
So, you decided to bite the bullet and ask.

"Is there, any reason you came to see me?"
You attempted to ask as politely as possible.

He tensed a bit,
"Well, I was going to practice by myself for a bit, but.. you're here. I tried finding other places to train, but all the good rooms are taken."

Which explained the awkwardness.

He also said something under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that last bit?"
You asked, in an attempt to catch up with the conversation.

He sighed, and inhaled,
"And, I wanted to thank you for protecting me from that rubble."

He said it quickly, but you understood.

He got tense waiting for a response from you,
"Well, it's like I said. I'll always keep my higher ups safety in mind."

His shoulders relaxed a little, as if the confirmation of his importance made him feel better. Not fully better, but better.

"So then, fledgling. Do you have a plan for what you're going to do?"
He seemed a lot more engaged than before, and he stopped moving in his seat as much.

"No.. not really. There are a few things I could do, but I feel like I'd be getting in the way by asking for them."
You said, surprisingly honestly considering who you were talking to.

"Like.. what?"
He asked.

"Well, maybe ask a guard what they do, what specifically I should be working on. But, everyone's probably busy. I know Darius is, and he would be my go-to."
You sighed and attempted to come up with the answers yourself, since you were too nervous to get in the way.

You spotted the Golden Guard getting up out of his seat and picking up his staff.

Then he started walking towards the door, probably looking for the emperor. You smiled at him and waited for him to leave, even though your heart sank a little.

Then he spoke.
"Since you're not doing anything, as the Golden Guard I command you to accompany me on guard duty around the castle. I'd also be willing to answer your questions for you."
He said those words softer than normal.

He held quite a confident and arrogant tone all the other times you had spoken to him, even earlier in the conversation.

But now, he seemed just a little bit more relaxed.

Dance with a Grimwalker | Golden Guard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now