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Finally, your first day of training was upon you.

The anxiety had started building up in your throat the closer you got to the end of the school day. Like a bubble about to be popped was stuck in your throat.

You hadn't been listening properly, your notes were worse, a feeling of anxiety had been looming over you ever since you woke up.

Boscha made sure to talk about herself and her plans when the group was at lunch though,
"Alright witches, I want news about the sleepover at Amity's. Maybe Y/N's parents won't be such sticks in the mud for once." She cast a side eye in your direction as you held your stomach from the nausea.

Amity spoke for you, she seemed to understand your fear for today,
"Actually, both mine and Y/N's parents agreed to the idea! The Sleepover is happening this Saturday. Just as long as you all leave earlier in the morning on the Sunday, I have to read at the library."

Boscha rolled her eyes at Amity's sense of responsibility, but Skara seemed happy.

"No worries Amity, tell Braxus I say hi! Our dad's are friends!"
It was like she was constantly speaking in exclamation marks. But at least it sliced through the atmosphere that the potions track girl was attempting to create.

"What's wrong, Y/N? You look like you're about to throw up your lunch."
Boscha smirked at you as you sat opposite her at the lunch table.

You decided it was finally time to get over yourself, you only had a few more hours until one of the Emperor's ships came to pick you up, and you had to make sure you were ready for it.
You slapped your cheeks, earning a gasp from Skara, swallowed the fear you were feeling and calmly responded.
"Sorry, I was doing a lot of training yesterday, I want to make sure I'm ready for whatever Darius throws at us today."

Then Boscha stopped talking, you and Amity had the feeling that she wanted to be in the campaign too, but wasn't invited to try out. The Grudgby side of her was louder than her envy though. She quickly changed the conversation to something that she could rant on, letting you eat your lunch.


The end of the school came like a bullet train, yet felt like an eternity at the same time.

You gripped your bag straps as you threw them over your shoulders and quietly stepped out of your classroom. You were allowed to leave a little bit early, with the witches that took transport back home so you had enough time to get into the ship.

You were by yourself in that class, your classmates had all been divided weirdly into new classes recently and none of you particularly enjoyed the change.

The tile on the ground had your attention as your mind wandered, letting your body autopilot you to the school entrance. Thinking about what the training would be like, what would happen, who else you'd see from other schools.

Until eventually you caught sight of Amity's signature flash of green, next to Willow's darker shade.

The two of them weren't talking, they looked uncomfortable actually, but at least no words of spite were being hurled Willow's way.
Amity had listened to you, and you were glad that changed were being made in the right direction.

"Hi guys,"
You said, catching their gazes, Amity's perked up and Willow's softened now that it wasn't the two of them alone.

"Hey, you ready for this?"
Amity mumbled at you.

"I don't think I'd ever be, but hey, no point worrying about it anymore, the boat's nearly here."
You all looked outside to see an airship in the sky, slowly landing at the end of the school's walkway, causing you all to spring to attention and run in its direction.

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