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The day after the dance was your sleepover at Amity's house.

Boscha, Skara, a few other people were joining you too, it was quite a big gathering, it made you nervous.
Amelia, Bo and Cat were the other girls.
They were Boscha's friends, they played Grudgby together.

You were nervous about Boscha, she was insistent on getting you and Amity to spill all of your secrets about the Campaign.

Pray to Titan she didn't ask you about the Golden Guard.



You were still getting used to saying his name.
Still trying to get the feeling of his hands out of your mind.

You really didn't want to, but you had other things to do today.

Your bags were packed, all you had to do was knock on the door of the Blight manor.

The metal handle made a thud against the wood.

Your parents had left already, apparently they were knee deep in work and needed to leave as soon as possible.

The door slowly opened, not to a butler, but to the twins.

Edric and Emira Blight.

You actually liked spending time with the twins, they'd tease you a bit for being younger than they were, but they were better siblings than your brother ever was.

They were interesting. But, most importantly, let you get away with messing around a bit.

"Hey Y/N! Mittens and Boscha are in the living room,"
Emira smiled, while Edric gagged at Boscha's name being mentioned.

There was a weird period of time about a year ago when Boscha thought that flirting with Edric was a good idea.
Quite frankly, nobody enjoyed it. Boscha just did it to mess with people.

The more you think about it, the less you liked the Hexside Grudgby captain.

Why were you spending a night with her again?

For Amity, and to get away from your parents.

You noticed the two girls sat on a sofa, on their scrolls as you turned the corner into the living room.

Amity immediately put her scroll back in her pocket, while Boscha slouched into the sofa more.

"Y/N! Good to see you!"
Her cheeks rose as she ran up to you.

She started talking about how great the dance was, all of the people she'd had the chance to meet.

"Hey! Wait! Talk about that when we're all together, I want to know what's going on too!"
Huffing, Boscha stood up and put a wedge between you two, killing the mood.

"Sure thing, we can wait."
You replied, then collapsed into a bean bag by the doorframe, causing Amity to chuckle a little.


The concept of a moonlight conjuring was simple.
Bring something to life under the light of the moon, and do it with all of your friends to make sure the enchantment was extra strong.

You'd read a little bit about it beforehand to make sure you were ready.

Now that everyone was here, you could all give it a go.

"Wait, before we get started, we should totally share secrets first!"
Boscha cheered, with her army of yes girls behind her.

You and Amity were outnumbered, meaning that the rest of the witches in the room were going to properly pry for information.

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