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A boy in gold walked down one of the many sets of stairs in the Emperor's castle from his room.

It was early, hours before any sane person would wake up.

But, he needed to talk to Belos.

To report that he was awake, and ready to be put to work.

He walked with intent, and pride through empty corridors that were soon to be filled with faceless scouts.

His uniform stood out from them.

Dressed in gold instead of silver, an old sigil on his back from his predecessors.

He was important, and unique.
Not faceless.

Once he made it to his destination, he stood by the large throne room doors, unlocked the latch with his thumb and pulled them open with a small twitch of anxiety.

Then he quietly stepped inside, stopped a few feet from the throne and bowed before a tall cloaked figure in a mask.

The throne room was dark and dull, yet tense at the same time.

The Emperor was sat in his seat, talking to a few coven heads, before they promptly left the room at his arrival.

The boy's voice was raspy,
"Good morning Uncle,"

Belos' voice was unsettling, but calm.
"Hello, Golden guard. Funnily enough you're just the person I wanted to summon here. The coven heads are talking about a new idea that I have come up with. I think you'll be of use."

The golden guard tilted his head a little, seemingly asking a question with his body language.

Then the emperor continued,
"I feel the numbers of new recruits of the Emperor's coven have been dwindling as of late.
Kids your age seem to no longer have a drive for things as grand as this."

He looked at the ground beneath the Guard's feet, seemingly sad through his mask.

"So, I've been talking to the coven heads to find a way to try and scout talent.
By taking the coven heads to gifted students, instead waiting for them to come to us, since that clearly isn't happening."

The Golden guard stood still and waited for Belos to continue, even though he hadn't spoken in a while.

"We're missing a couple reports still. Some heads came back later than others last night, but I can excuse that.
It must have been a busy day for all of them.."
Belos started to lean back into his chair,

There was a dripping heart at the back of the throne room, a sickly green and brown that accented the entire building.

It would beat and squirm, like a rat being hung up by it's tail, it's rhythm in time with the Emperor's own pulse.

All it did was add to the tension of the room, and disturb the people inside of it.

Eventually, the nephew started speaking,
"Well then uncle, who are we missing?
I could go and get them for you."

Belos looked to the doors and said,
"Just Darius and Graye now, but don't worry, that won't be necessary."

"One's already here."

The guard quickly turned around behind him, to see the doors shifting again, with Darius' signature purple cape cutting the light that seeped into the dimly lit room.

"Good day, Belos. I've come with my decision."
His words were short and simple,

"Excellent, which two students have you chosen for our course?"

Darius passed by the Golden guard, and handed the Emperor a small collection of sheets of paper.

"Amity Blight and Y/N Everlight, your highness."
He stood still, waiting for a response.

"Two Hexside students, I see. I shall excuse the possible bias and simply ask why.."
Belos was flicking through the pages he was given, looking at profiles for both of the previously mentioned students.

Darius stood to catch his breath for a second, and spoke, with a slight resistance to his voice,

"I feel Amity Blight is a stunning candidate for the standard principles of abomination magic, her abomination construction was of the highest standard I had seen out of the selected candidates. She clearly follows her lessons to a T."

"..And Y/N?"
One set of claws that were the Emperor's hand were clutched around the arm of the throne that he was sat in.

"I believe Y/N is one of the most talented young witches I have ever seen."

"They were performing new magic in a matter of minutes from when they were first taught about it. And their skill expands far beyond just abomination work."

"We could possibly be looking at a candidate for a very high ranking coven member, your highness."

"They need this training."

The Golden Guard stopped for a second and processed the words he had just heard.

They're taking in witches his age from all around the boiling isles to come and train to join the coven.

He wasn't going to be alone anymore.

He didn't know how to feel about that.

Tightly gripping his staff, he attempted to speak up before he was cut off by the Emperor.

"Interesting choices. I am curious to see this Y/N you just spoke of, they seem to have a lot of potential.
I'd like you to head off to Hexside today to relay the news to them."

Darius nodded,

"Hexside is also our most popular school for candidates from this venture, you'll be explaining rules to three students, not just two.
Be aware of that."

"Nephew, I'd like you to go with him."

The boy suddenly sparked back to life again,

"Why me? Surely Darius is capable enough by himself to head to Hexside, it's not that far away."

The Emperor nodded in response,
"Yes, but he's also one of the school's top alumni."

"If he doesn't get stopped by students, he'll start getting stopped by the teachers as well. I need you to keep him on track, and also to set a good example of the coven the to students.
Someone their age will possibly be less intimidating than, say.. me."

The boy sighed,
"Yes sir."

"Good. The two of you may leave now, I shall tell the air patrol to get a ship ready for you."

Quickly walking out of the room, the door was closed behind Darius and the Golden Guard.

The throne room quickly fell silent once again.

Nothing but the sound of the pulsing heart quietly beating could be heard, until the Emperor silently stood up from his throne and vanished into the maze of corridors between the castle walls.

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