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"You're kidding."

You were back at the castle a couple days later, getting ready for your lesson with Darius.

You were hiding your leg shaking by holding a determined stature from the waist up when you spoke to him.

"Y/N, I am serious. I think this is genuinely the best way to practice your weak spots."
Darius was trying to convince his side of the story to you.

Amity honestly just looked confused.

"So, to make sure I'm getting this right. You're going to teach me to dance, to get better at combat?"
You said completely straight faced, to the head of the abomination coven.

None of this conversation felt real.

He replied completely straight faced.

So, you were going to learn to dance, or something, for the sake of your magic.

Amity left to the other room, like you did on the Monday, meaning it was just you and Darius.

"But why is dancing going to make me better?"
You asked, just curious.

Then he turned to look at you,
"Magically, you're one of the most gifted witches I've ever seen. But, you're too rigid in your movements and it's going to make it harder for you to create coordinated responses."
He turned back to rummage through a box in the room.

"Basically, you need to learn to improvise on the battlefield. Don't call it dancing if it embarrasses you, consider it improvising."
Then he looked at you to gage a response.

And honestly he hit the nail on the head. Thinking about it, you could never really think of a time where you were told to improvise.

None of your tutors told you to, just to memorise routines, and spells, and songs until you knew them off by heart.

Your performances were always planned, then practiced till they were flawless.

The same thing went in school, learning to perfectly answer questions the right way so that you'd get the marks.

Your parents never encouraged you to just have a go, neither did Amity or your friends. Putting yourself at risk of failing was just, a terrible idea.

So why do something that wasn't perfect?

"I can tell by the look on your face that I've figured it out, am I right?"
He seemed relaxed, but asked you the question expecting a serious response, hiding behind a smirk.

You nodded, then he took his cape off to hang it on a coat hanger by the door, stopping it from getting in the way when he taught you.

He looked a lot less formal and intimidating when he wasn't wearing the cape. More just like a strong man in a tight pink tank top.

"I do pity you. Learning to trust my own skill was one of the hardest things I had to do to become a coven head. It's one of the toughest things you'll ever have to do to become a scout."

It was like he was speaking to you as if you were an adult. Like he had complete respect for you. Like you were equals.

It was nice.

"So, this practice is going to help you lean back into your own skill. It's also just a good talent to have, because who knows when a witch will ask you to dance."

You laughed, knowing full well nobody was going to approach you in that manner, despite how close the party on Friday was.

Darius rolled his eyes at your sudden ease to disregard what he said.

Dance with a Grimwalker | Golden Guard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now