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It felt like you were back too soon.

Ever since Hunter mentioned this session being 'a lot', it had kept you up and curious.

What did he mean?
Guess you were going to find out, soon too.

You spent the entirety of yesterday watching a Grudgby match between Hexside and Glandus, to honour the soon start of the Grudgby season.

Hexside won, of course.
Boscha wouldn't have had it any other way.

But it was still a day of potential preparation lost, and that made you uncomfortable.

You wondered how much you were lagging behind from the other students.

But, Darius was proud of you.
Clearly you were doing something good.

Steve was walking you into the ballroom today,
"You kids have a.. long day ahead of you. No harm in needing a break, ok?"
He sighed, he clearly seemed worried.

You nodded and agreed with him, knowing fully well you weren't going to listen to his advice.

Emperor's coven members didn't take breaks in combat, and you weren't going to either.

When you walked into the ballroom, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Except, Darius wasn't there..

Or Terra.

Or.. any of the coven heads.

All of the other students were in the room too, normally some pairs had already gone by now.

You, Amity and Willow joined the larger group in the middle of the room,

"Where are the coven heads?" You heard a witch from beast keeping ask.

It seemed like nobody else knew what was going on either.

"Hey kids, follow me and Kikimora, we're leading you all to the outside training grounds today!"
You heard Steve call.

You all looked around for a bit and started to follow, walking down flights of stairs with Willow glued to your shoulder. She seemed nervous, and rightfully so.

The training grounds were massive. A patch of dirt occasionally dotted with clumps of grass, surrounded by a set of designated training rooms, blocking view from outside.

Wait, you'd been here before.

Hunter took you here for your very first training session at the castle.

Fear slowly started to crawl up you and you remembered, but you let it settle again.

You weren't going to have to fight the golden guard.


The other campaign members looked around in confusion, admittedly this part of the castle was never really seen in photos, it was too well hidden.

Then there was a ring from a microphone,
"Hello prodigies."

You knew that voice,
That was Lilith Clawthorne!

"You've been training for just under two weeks in the palace, and the Emperor has asked to challenge all of you, to see how much you've learnt."
She spoke, clearly uninterested.

"But, since I have a mission to get to, I shall pass this speech over to Terra Snapdragon, who shall explain the task you have been set."
She handed a microphone over to Terra and walked back into the castle.

You were able to see the other heads too, Darius included.

You stood in anxiety and watched Terra's face turned into a contorted grin, as she created a platform to stand on out of the plants that obeyed her.

Dance with a Grimwalker | Golden Guard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now