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"I'm looking forward to our duel. See you soon!"

That sentence rung through your head as you went home, as you trained, as you flew back to the castle, and as you walked back in the ballroom.

As you stood next to the other three, you felt you mind starting to distort the things around you. their eyes burning into the back of your head, your head catching ablaze like it did with your fight against the demon from the maze.

The room felt like it was spinning, you could hear their words again.




What if everyone else was starting to believe it too? What if you were a traitor? A liar? A manipulator?

What if you were a monster...?

Then you heard fingers snap in front of your eyes, forcefully dragging you back into the real world.

"Hey, pay attention. I don't want to fight a broken witch today, it would be to easy otherwise."
Anrin laughed.

He was laughing? Even at a time like this?

Amity seemed to have already vanished while you were stuck in your train of thought, you felt bad not wishing her good luck.

She seemed much calmer than you did. Then again, she was fighting against people that she didn't fully know.

The two of you agreed at school that you were fighting the significantly worse gauntlet out of both sets of opponents.

Maybe that was on purpose...

"Listen, let's both do our best, ok?"
Anrin smiled, resting a hand on your shoulder.

"H-how can you be so calm? This is your future you're fighting for."
You asked, but Anrin just laughed.

"Yes, but it's also not the end of the world. If I lose this fight, I'm tied for the third strongest witch in the isles in my age bracket. Imagine me in three years time when I'll actually be scouting age? Losing this campaign doesn't mean you can never return."

"You can't get rid of my that easily."
He smiled and nudged you, and it was infectious.

Eberwolf was walking in front of you, seemingly enjoying the conversation the two of you were having.

"Listen Y/N. You must have taken a serious verbal beating from that potions demon. Between us, what happens, happens. The best witch out of us will win, there's no hard feelings. Alright?"
You were almost about to cry, before realising you were about to get into a fight, and promptly dampened your tears.

You nodded at Anrin in agreement.

"Just know, I plan on going all out."

You chuckled with him this time, finally stepping into the arena.

The atmosphere felt much more tense.
An ambient hum of beasts were lining the walls, along with cage entrances and chains hung from the ceiling.

This was where Anrin trained? It felt way too creepy for you.

You grit your teeth, realising that for both your fights, you were playing as the underdog.
Neither of the arenas you fought in were yours, you had significantly fewer resources.

That was going to prove especially difficult for you here.

Your belt was handed back to you by a guard, and you tied it around your waist, much like you did before, and stepped onto the arena floor.

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