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The castle looked different depending on the way the sun hit the sheen of the gold bricks in the walls.

A light fell down the halls, casting a beautiful glow.

Especially on Darius' hair, as you walked behind him to your lesson.

There was a golden shimmer that could only really be replicated by the liquid texture of abomination clay.

You didn't really know how he did that.. Or why he did that, but it looked amazing.

Until you realised it could look back at you, then you immediately shifted your gaze to the unique tiling on the ground.

Darius chuckled,
"You're with me today, Y/N. Alright?"

You nodded then turned to Amity, feeling bad for her as you realised she had her training with the Golden Guard today.

You walked through the door on the left, and watched Darius close the door behind him.

A second of silence filled the room..

You felt a pang of anxiety, had you done something wrong..?

"Show me that spell you learnt."
He smiled and had a look of anticipation across his face.

You smiled back, then stood at a far end of the room.

You tried the motion, slipping the first time round. Then you got the right shape again and flew yourself across the room.

You did Jazz hands afterwards as Darius looked at you in awe.
"You have no idea how impressive this is! I can't believe it's not abomination magic either! Finally, I can train you in something else."

You looked confused for a second,
"What do you mean by that?"

"Abomination magic is gross. Amity has spent most of her time training with me to learn how to correctly raise abominations, and move them. The proper way to use them, if you will."

"But I think they're disgusting. So, it's nice to have a student that doesn't use them."

"Even though you're the head of the abomination coven?"
You asked,

"Yep. Abomination magic is so much more than those ugly walking things. It's a source for physical kinetic movement in magic. Shields, wiring, weaponry. So much can be done with this magic, and all they teach in school is abomination raising."

"There are pupils that are so much more talented than that, like you."
He finished,

You laughed a bit,
"Yeah, tell that to my abomination professor. There's a reason Amity's the top student."

He stood up for a bit, trying to comprehend what you said,
"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, Amity's the top student in our class. She has a pin that says she is, she gets the best grades out of all of us."

He muttered to himself, then changed the conversation,
"Anyway, want to start implementing magic into the movement I've been teaching you?"

You nodded,
"That sounds good."

"Brilliant, because I have an idea.."


The idea Darius mentioned ended up being really complicated, but cool.
Sort of like him.

There were specific targets to hit, and obstacles to avoid.
Meaning you had to duck and spin and dodge around the room, casting specific spells in order to knock out specific targets.

Plants sliced through pieces of abomination clay, splashing it across the room as it slowly congealed into a new shape to be destroyed.

You jumped over blocks and huffed as you started to burn through your stamina. You felt yourself get warmer as you made more progress, determined to go until you fainted again.

Dance with a Grimwalker | Golden Guard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now