The First Avenger: Chapter Four (THE 107TH REGIMENT)

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Rhiley landed in the main base camp of the 107th infantry regiment a couple of hours into the night.

"Agent Rhiley Stark?" Rhiley turns at the sound of her name to find a man a few inches taller than her, and a lot older than her. "Agent Rhiley-"

Rhiley steps into view of him, "Right here Commander."

The man looks up from his chart, looking the woman up and down. "Commander Quinn, Colonel Phillips said you'll be arriving today. It's good to finally meet you."

"Flew all night," Rhiley chuckled, "Wasn't one of the best flights, bumpy." She jokes, but the man doesn't laugh. "Do you know where my unit is?" She asked, moving on.

"You'll be placed with a group of five others, they were the top recruits, some of the best," Quinn explained as he gestured to Rhiley to follow him. "They've been waiting for you the past few days," He explained, "Sorry, it's been crazy since-"

"The war?" Rhiley chimes in, "I've been in combat before Commander, fast-paced environments don't scare me." She takes a better look around at the forest that covered their location, "When are we gonna see any action?"

"Once the soldiers are ready or--" Commander Quin paused, trying to find the right words for the next part.

"When we need them?" Rhiley already knew the next part. Commander Quinn nods his head and stops in front of a tent, like the other tents, this one is big, dirty, and torn. Quinn pulls open the flap and looks over at Rhiley.

She enters first to find four men sitting around each other with a deck of cards between them. "Oye! Joey! You're a damn cheater! And you know it!"

"Wanna say that again to my face asshat?"

"I just did!"

A whistle interrupts the four. They quickly stood when they saw the Commander. Then fell in line, but not before trying to push each other over. "Men," Quinn greets, "Meet your new teammate." He moves out of the way. "Agent Rhiley,"

Rhiley wasn't surprised when each man gave her a puzzled look.

Rhiley takes a step forward, "Since we'll be working together," She looks over at the Commander with a nod, "Just call me Rhiley, no need for Agent." She paused again, "I think I got this Commander Quinn."

"If you need me, I'll be" He stopped when Rhiley sent him a questionable look before retreating out of the tent.

It doesn't take long for someone to speak up, "You're a woman."

Rhiley turned to the man with deep blue eyes and blonde hair. She could see a black eye slowly starting to form on his face, he looked tough, that's for sure. Taller than the others, wearing a sleeveless shirt.

"And what gave that away? My hair? Face? Boobs?" She asked, taking a few more steps into the tent, "What's your name?"

"Austin Clover," He smirked, "The best gunmen in my class."


"I can hit anything I set my eyes on," He brags, "What about you? How are you with guns?"

"I'm better with my hands," This comment causes a snort reaction coming from a man with brown hair and blue eyes, a lot less bulky, but he seemed a lot nicer. "And what's your name?" but a little immature.

"Henry Hearst, Ma'am."

"Don't call me Ma'am, that's ridiculous. Rhiley is fine." Rhiley corrects the man, "So, Henry, mind telling me what made you laugh?"

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