The First Avenger: Chapter Five (Run)

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That same night Rhiley had a hard time finding a calm enough mind to drift off to sleep. So, instead of lying there listening to the men around her snore up a storm. She decided to get up get some fresh air and listen to the crickets.

"What are you doing awake?" James emerged with a yawn.

Rhiley looked over her shoulder to watch the man stumble tiredly out of the tenth. Hair sticking up in all different directions. "I could ask you the same thing."

James rubbed his eyes, "I have to pee."

"Ah, I see-" Rhiley chuckled, "A man of mystery."

James took a seat next to her on the ground. He pushed himself up against the tree to the point their shoulders touched. For a moment Rhiley debated scooting away but James' next question distracted her. "Where did you go?"


"The night of the convention." James clarified, "You disappeared."

"No wonder your date didn't go so well," Rhiley smirked, eyeing him. "You were too busy looking for the mystery girl."

"Steve thought I was nuts." James laughed, "And yet he was the one trying to sign up for a war."

"Didn't you do the same thing?"

"Well, yeah but it's different." James shrugged, shaking his head. "Steve is well-" He paused, "He's Steve."

"You're worried about him."

"Hell yes, I am." James said, "You saw him. He may be a pain in my ass but he's my pain in the ass."

"You sound like a wonderful friend." Rhiley states, looking away, "I've seen my share of men break-" She looked back over at James who had been looking at her, listening to her every word, "And it had nothing to do with how much weight they could lift." She then took her finger and poked James in the forehead, "If they don't have a strong mind, a strong will, they'll crumble quickly, and with how you talk about your friend. I think he may have a fighting chance."

"I guess you're right." This time it's James who looked away, "What did you do before this?"

"What is this? Twenty questions?"

"I'm sorry, I just-" He smiled at Rhiley, "I like you."

"You don't know me."

"Hence the twenty questions."

"Don't you need to pee?"

James stared for a moment, "Now that you reminded me, yes I do-" He stood up pointing at Rhiley, "This isn't over though."

"Don't let a bear sneak up on you back there." She called out just above a whisper so only James could hear her behind the trees.

"Thanks!" He retorted, "That hadn't crossed my mind."

"You're welcome." Rhiley chuckled, looking ahead of her as she listened. For a moment, it's too quiet.

"Can you plug your ears?" James' voice broke through the silence.

Rhiley just rolled her eyes and did what James had instructed her to do. She dropped her hands when James waved his hand in front of her before sitting down again. "A little shy, aren't we?" She joked making James roll his eyes.

"I am a gentleman," James stated. "Is there anything wrong with that?"

Rhiley leaned her head back against the tree and eyed James, "You should get some rest."

"A bit of a hypocrite aren't we?" James questioned, "Don't you need rest too?"


"Can I ask you a question?"

"Isn't that what you've been doing the entire time?"

"What's your purpose here?"

Rhiley looked at James with a raised eyebrow, "A bit blunt, don't you think?"

"I didn't mean it to be rude but-" James tried to find the correct words, "You're not a soldier," He looked over his shoulder at the tents, "Not one of us, at least." He looked back at Rhiley and felt his heart leap to his throat at the way she was looking at him with such intensity it would blind the sun.

"I'm not." It felt like an eternity for James, then Rhiley blinked and looked away and he could finally breathe again. "I don't know why I'm here."

"They must have put you here for a reason, right?" James pushed, "Maybe they thought your set of skills could help us little guys on the front line." He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood that he had caused to darken by not being able to stop himself. All he wanted to do was get to know the woman next to him. Maybe he wasn't good with the ladies after all. Steve would be in shock to hear James think that.

"I don't think they trust me anymore," Rhiley said after a moment of silence. "Not after-" Clearing her throat, Rhiley stood up, "I think you're right, we should both be getting some rest. I'll see you in the morning, Barnes."

Left amid that abrupt ending to their conversation. James couldn't help but feel off. Rhiley's never called him by his last name before and it didn't feel right.

They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace.

The next morning not a single word was uttered between the two adults. "That was fast." Clover questioned, noticing the tension between the two, "What happened between Mommy and Daddy?" He asked chuckling.

"Don't be an ass, Clover." Ricketts sighed.

"That's all he knows." Joey retorted from his spot on the ground.

"Oh, feisty." Rickett responded, "I'm proud."

"What did you say, jackass?" Clover finally responded rounding up to Joey ready to fight. "Wanna say that again?"

"Calm your tits, Clover." Rickett pushed him back, "We all know you're the bad boy here."

"Where are you going, Barnes?" Joey asked.

"On a run." James picked up his speed and that's exactly what he did. He wanted to clear his head and he knew standing around those idiots for much longer wasn't gonna help.

"Two souls don't find each other by simple accident."

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