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As I let out a sigh of relief,with my hand on my knees and forehead pressed against the fridge I hear a light hearted chuckle coming from behind me

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As I let out a sigh of relief,with my hand on my knees and forehead pressed against the fridge I hear a light hearted chuckle coming from behind me.

I immediately stiffen and close my eyes while straightening my back and clenching my fists.
A sigh escapes my lips as I abruptly turn around to see who witnessed my urgency to get ice cream in the freezer.

It was Yeonjun.

"Whatever you saw,you didn't actually see"I say,trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Yeonjun is leaning against the counter,while his arms are crossed,and he looks me directly in the eye,with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Oh really,because I thought I saw you jump down the stairs,run to the kitchen and let out a heavy sigh of relief when you 'finally' put your 'precious life saver' in the freezer." He raised one of his eyebrows while saying this.

Every fucking detail.He witnessed everything, and even quoted my words....

I let out a loud sigh and a fake laugh as I plan my next words so he doesn't catch me slipping yet again.

"Well Yeonjun,I think you should head back up to Kai's room and never,ever remind me of how I called ice cream 'my precious life saver',cool?, ....yeah I already know it's cool."

I clear my throat as I straighten up my posture and get ready to head back up to my room,to avoid any further teasing.

As I'm about to pass him he grabs my wrist and stops me.I'm now facing him,confused at his sudden action,while he looks at me straight in the eyes,which I admit,is quite intimidating.

I break eye contact and look to my side,trying to look like I'm not internally blushing and trying to pretend that my heart is beating at a normal speed. I've always had a tiny crush on Yeonjun,but who wouldn't,he's leng.

In fact,all of Kai's friends are attractive,it's just Yeonjun and Soobin that I've managed to develop feelings for.

"Don't go in such a rush,I haven't spoke to you in a while..." He speaks up,while letting go of my wrist.

"Oh,okay!, how have you been?" If I knew he wanted to have a serious conversation from the start,I'd be happy to.I noticed his hair is now black and not blue anymore.

"Busy with tests,but managing,how about you y/n,how have you been?" He puts on a genuine smile,letting his arms fall to his side instead of being crossed over his chest.

"Me?Well....I've been alright,surviving.Real quick before I rant about something different, your hair,it's black now and not blue anymore"
As I'm saying this I point to my own hair and twirl a strand of it around my finger.

"Ohhhh yeah, I have,wanted to go for a more natural look I guess"

"I wonder how your hair is still attached to your head after all you put it through,it even looks soft" I finish twisting the strand of hair on my finger, and put my left arm below my chest while letting my right one rest one top of it,then leaving my right hand to rest around my face.

"I wonder how your hair is still attached to your head after all you put it through,it even looks soft" I finish twisting the strand of hair on my finger, and put my left arm below my chest while letting my right one rest one top of it,then leavin...

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{^^^I mean something like this^^^}

Yeonjun leans forward towards me while also leaning down,placing his hands on his knees with a smirk on his face.

"If you think it's so soft,would you like to touch my hair?"

I'm quite shocked by the question,as it wasn't really expected coming from him,but I wasn't passing the opportunity so I simply nodded my head yes and stood a step closer,to be able to properly reach him.

I lifted my right hand and touched his hair,and as I expected it was really soft.

If I was being honest it felt like I was petting a dog,not calling him a dog,just saying the way I was petting his head made me laugh.

It must have been so funny to me that I ended up laughing out loud,and resting my other hand on Yeonjun's shoulder for support.

This action only made the space in between us lessen.I open my eyes,and finally realise our close proximity,I'm not internally blushing anymore,I'm openly turning red,and Yeonjun was too.

Neither of us moved,too locked into a trance, the only thing stopping this trance, was the loud nose of someone clearing their throat.

I jump slightly,always being caught in the worse moments,in my own house.

Yeonjun looks over my shoulder,as I turn around to meet the eyes of Soobin looking rather annoyed.

"I thought you were taking long to grab a drink" Soobin's tone was sarcastic and irritated.

God dayum,okay then- I thought.

Yeonjun fixes his hair,already back to his normal height,grabbing a water bottle from the kitchen's counter that I didn't even deep was there.

"Let's head back up shall we?" Yeonjun is talking to Soobin but as he walks past me he pats my shoulder.

I'm already facing them,and realise Soobin's eyes are glued to Yeonjun and his actions.

"Oh yeah,Y/n I'll talk to you later yeah?" With that being said,Yeonjun walks out of the kitchen and heads back up to Kai's room.

"hi soobin....." I say this cautiously as he doesn't seem he's in the best of moods.

"Our first tutor session will be in 20 minutes, I've already told the others that I'll be teaching you from time to time.Okay?" He seems frustrated so I already decide to not pry and and just agree to what he says.


"Great,already get what you need ready" he turns around and walks back up.

"That 'great' sounded awfully sarcastic"I mumble this under my breath, not risking the fact that he could be behind the kitchen's door,you never know in this day and age.

"That 'great' sounded awfully sarcastic"I mumble this under my breath, not risking the fact that he could be behind the kitchen's door,you never know in this day and age

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[I need spice in this story and Yeonjun will be that love triangle spice :>]

[word count - 1k words]

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