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I was now upstairs in my bed,laying in a star fish pose,contemplating my life decisions and dreading the lesson,that I,myself insisted on doing

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I was now upstairs in my bed,laying in a star fish pose,contemplating my life decisions and dreading the lesson,that I,myself insisted on doing.

I rolled over to my right,now facing my bedside where my phone was placed.I reach over, and grab my phone with one hand,while placing my other, on the bottom of the charger attached to my phone to pull it out.[ ;>]

As I do this,my phone lights up to show a notification sent two minutes ago,'sufficiently charged'


Soobin said 20 minutes,and I didn't look at the time when he said such things so I'm
completely oblivious to how long has passed, and how long I have left.

"Well,I've already showered and changed clothes so hopefully he can come soon so I can get this over with..." I guess by saying this out loud I jinxed it because,suddenly I heard a knock at my door.

"It's not locked,come in" I said this loud enough so the person opposite the door could hear.

I place my phone behind me on the bed,then prop myself up with both of my hands.

My door opens to then reveal the one and only tutor,Soobin.He enters with a smile that didn't seem to be on his face a while ago.That's not my problem anyway,at least he wasn't in a bad mood.

He fully enters the room with his bag hanging on one of his shoulders.His shoes are already off and his blazer was probably in my brothers room.

"The others and I are hanging out for a while so I'll teach you then go back,just letting you know because Kai probably wouldn't tell you"He lets out a chuckle,already knowing how Kai gives no context to what he does,especially to his sister.

"Oh okay then,I kind of expected that from him anyway" I let out a huff and got up from my bed,going towards my closet where I take out a stool that I used to use with my keyboard and placed it at my desk,so both me and Soobin could sit down.

Soobin watched me doing so and placed his school bag on the floor next to mine,then kneeled down to get all he needed out of it.

As he rummaged for his own things I grabbed my phone placing it on the edge of the desk,on the side I planned on sitting.I sat down on the stool so he could be more comfortable in the normal chair as he is the guest after all.

"Okay so,let's start with the basics"Soobin sits down beside me on the chair while placing his own pencil case and notebook on the desk.

<about 25 minutes later>

"I give up." You groan in annoyance slamming your head on your book.

"Are you alright...." Soobin asked shaking me by my shoulders lightly.

"I'm hungry" I turn over my face so is now facing him,with my eyes closed and my hair fanning over my face.A silence fills the room that wasn't there before as we just spent the last 25 minutes going back and forth.

As I was about to open my mouth to say something,Soobin moved my hair out of my face with his finger and placed it behind my ear. My eyes widen,as I look up at him already staring down at me.

He looks to gentle but so dominating at the same time,him gazing down at me made me feel flustered and what I was going to say before,completely left my mind.

"Uh-" was all that left my mouth as his hand was now on my shoulder. The silence grew as Soobin didn't want to break eye contact.

I get up abruptly from my position causing Soobin to retreat his hand back to himself, while my gaze was on anything BUT him.

What a lovely wall I have,those Attack On Titan posters are really doing me justice.

I thought of this as it was the only thing that could distract my mind and calm myself down, before he realised how much I was burning up.

"You said you were hungry right?,let's take a break then" Soobin's gaze never left me,even when I wasn't even looking back at him.

Stop being a little bitch y/n,you've known him for so long what's the difference now.

I sigh and pluck up the rest of the courage I have left and look directly at him.

"Great!Let's do exactly that" I get off from my chair and look at him. "Let's go downstairs"

He gets up the moment those words leave my mouth and leaves the room right after me.

Once we reach the kitchen,I immediately reach for the freezer to get my ice cream in hopes of it cooling me down. Soobin grabs a drink from the fridge and looks at me as I unravel the ice cream and bite/lick it (I bite ice cream that's why I put that there)

"Do you need that ice cream because of how red you are right now?" He has a sly grin on his face as he outs me.

I act like I didn't hear his comment,continue eating my ice cream and turn away from him, facing the other way,taking deep breathes.

"Ignoring me now are we?"
"Y/n don't be like thatttt"

I hear his footsteps come closer as he wraps his arms firmly around my waist with his chin resting on top my shoulder.

My breath hitches as my grip on my food tightens.I'm trapped.

"Can I have some?"

"I don't share food,get your own" My voice sounds shaky and I hate it,I struggled to even get that out without stuttering and that would of been embarrassing on my part.

"Y/n pleaseeee,I don't want a whole one I just want to try it"


My hand goes over to my shoulder where his head is resting.One of his arms let's go of my waist,his hand gets ahold of my own to bring the ice cream closer to his face.What seems like forever of him holding my hand he takes a bite of the ice cream and let's go of my hand.

After doing so his arm goes back to being snaked around my waist.

"Pretty good,I'll buy it myself some time"

I clear my throat loudly. "Are you comfortable?" A hint of sarcasm in my voice.

He snuggled into the crook of my neck,and says in a very low voice, "Of course I am"

[I was meant to finish this on Christmas Eve but procrastinated BUT I finally finished so yeah]

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[I was meant to finish this on Christmas Eve but procrastinated BUT I finally finished so yeah]

[word count - 1.1k words]

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