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Do you ever have that feeling where you get nervous but don't have a quite reason for why your nervous? As I was pulling up to her house I felt sick to my stomach, like cramps but worse. Why did she make me feel this way?

💭- what the hell is wrong with me, I'm not scared of her that's for sure.

I decided to just ignore it and I stepped out of my car, walking to the front desk of this tall building the heaven skies buildings that is. The desk lady looked at me kinda weird, I gave her a glare, a cold dead glare. She soon turned back to her computer, seeming as she wanted no trouble with me whilst I walked to the elevators. I stepped and pressed the top floor button. I looked behind me and saw the beautiful foggy rainy sky as I went to the top floor though the clear elevator, it sort of soothed me but all those feelings felt 10x worse when I reached the top floor.

ding I stepped out the the elevator, now shaking. I took a deep breath in and rang the doorbell. ring i tried to calm myself down as she opened the door in a black dress.


💭- Fuck

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💭- Fuck

"Hello can I help you?" Said Delilah before she seemed confused but understanding once she gave me a more firm look. "Wait I remember you- kamila right? We used to date!"  She said with her hand now behind her head, she sounded as sweet as when I we broke up.

"Yeah, it's Delilah right? Long time no see." I tired to sound nonchalant and gave her a small smile, I didn't wanna seem desperate. With that pleasant smile on my face, I was surprised she didn't notice I was a villain since my face had been captured. Maybe it was a bad angle?

"Hey come in come in I was trying to get in touch with you, I missed you..."
Delilah said sweetly looking up at me with a sparkle in her eyes.

I noticed my face went kinda red and looked away to cover it. "yeah I-I missed you too" I said with honesty, I really did miss her. She was kind, sweet and a good girlfriend, but I can't fall in love with her again, all I want is that crown and I'm willing to use her just to get to it.

She pulled me in by the arm and sat me down on the couch. Her house was nice, it's new than her last house I was at when we were together.



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