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I had ended up just driving around the city, trying to take my mind off of what happened. the sight of his dead body in my arms, the way he was so vulnerable yet filled with hatred. I pulled over, my mind still couldn't comprehend the fact that he was gone and it was all my fault.

ring ring

I looked down and pulled my phone out my bloody pocket and checked to see who was calling me, it was Naomi.

"What?" I answered the phone, trying to sound like my normal self and not like I was just crying seconds ago as I wiped my tears.

"Hey, what's up with Axel? I thought you went after him, everything ok?" Naomi questioned and my heart ached, I couldn't tell her that I killed him obviously. Fuck what do I do?

"I- I uh lost him.. don't know where he is.." I muttered with a deep breath in between my sentence to calm my shaky breathing.

"oh ok." Naomi muttered suspiciously.

"hey uh you ok? You sound.. we're you crying?" Naomi asked, she sounded curious yet concerned since I could hear the shift in her tone.

"Yeah I'm f-fine talk to you later." I mumbled before I hung up the phone. I let out a small groan and ran my hands through my hair as I leaned down on the steering wheel cursing silently to myself.

"Fuck" I muttered faintly under my breath as I rested my head on the steering wheel trapped inside my thoughts. My brian constantly racing with the worst possible outcomes.

💭- where do I go?

I thought for a moment, then it hit me.

"No no I can't drag her into this I- I can't." I mumbled to myself, but she was my only option it seemed like. I couldn't go back to my old place after what I had just done.


I pulled up to Delilah's house and arrived at her door in two minutes.

knock knock

💭 - please open the door

She opened the door but I could see see the immediate shift in her expression, a shift of surprise.

"Oh uh hey.." she muttered... nervously, it only raised my suspicion but I ignored it. She was probably turned on and I was paranoid.

"Can I come in, please?" I said looking down at the ground while trembling till I heard a voice in the background.

"Hey babe who's at the door?" The voice sounding like some guy in the distance. I raised my eyebrow and looked immediately at her with a more confused look on my face.

"Babe?" I questioned her.

"Nobody!" She said before stepping out the house into the hallway pulling me with her. She closed the door behind her and looked up at me.

"Look-" Delilah tried to say something before I cut her off.

"You have a boyfriend?" I asked with disappointment and confusion.  I felt so betrayed right now yet I kept calm.

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