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"Stay here." I told Delilah as I started to get out of the car now, pulling the key out with shut turning the car off.

"No, I want to go." She demanded and crossed her arms, huffing which annoyed me very much. I didn't see much reason as to take her with me, in my eyes I didn't need her under me like some sad lost puppy while I had more important things to handle.

Then again, I couldn't resist those eyes.

"Fine." I grumbled with a small frown, opening her door and yanking her out by her wrist.

"Not so rough." Delilah said with a slight moan mixed with a small smirk and I froze, my face fixed to a confused yet funny one in her eyes.



We both muttered, looking at each other for a good 3 seconds before I shrugged it off and turned to walk away in the direction of the hospital now.

"Ok... let's just go." I muttered to Delilah and pulled her inside which caused her to groan in annoyance, nudging me off of her. I was still surprised on how strong she was physically at least ever since our fight.

"I can walk myself." she muttered out of annoyance with sass, rolling her eyes at me like a sassy teen. I scowled and gave her a sharp glance.

"Then keep up." I grumbled, the irritation building up inside me. I then pulled my hand away from her and started to walk into the hospital now.

I couldn't shake the feeling off, this place made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was because I was a villian with light cover or maybe because of the blandness of this empty hospital. The white and yellow tiled floors, burning white lights that made a small buzzing noise is mostly what drove me insane.

Nevertheless I was willing to push past it to get anything I could on Ezera.

"Hello how may I help you?" Asked the front desk lady with a soft smile on her face. She had soft cyan hair that flowed down her sides and a white scrub outfit on. I didn't look up and only hid behind Delilah, unable to see the color of her eyes.

"Tell her we're here for ezara" I muttered hiding behind Delilah like some little kid while tapping her shoulder. I was making myself shorter to hide behind her.

I could feel the awkward tension fill the room as the doctor stared at us, my heart racing and filling with only negative thoughts. What if she found out I was a killer? how did she not find out yet?

"We're here for Ezara." Spoke Delilah as she leaned forward slightly to speak to the lady.

Delilah sounded so polite and professional, even changing her voice slightly to show respect. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her politeness.

The desk lady nodded firmly and gave Delilah a soft smile before looking down to type in her computer. After a few minutes of awkward silence and the sound of tapping from the computer keys, she spoke again.

This time, I was able to catch a glance of her eyes, I wish I hadn't. I could tell the news we were about to receive wouldn't be the best.

"Oh I'm sorry, but he died last month as soon as he god here it says. We never had anyone to come and claim his body so we buried him in our graveyard out back for all our lost patient's." 

the desk lady explained. My blood ran cold and my throat got tight like it did in the car, I could feel my body start to tremble and everything started to feel so unreal and dizzy.

"O-oh ok thank you." Delilah said trying to pull me out the hospital, she could tell I was on the verge of losing my shit and she felt bad.

"Come on, let's go."  Delilah muttered in a plea. I felt tears form in my eyes as I stared that lady down with the most heartbreaking yet sharp glare ever, I could feel the lady stare at me back with a more apologetic expression on her face which made my blood boil. Delilah finally managed to pull me out the hospital and into the parking lot out back.

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