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I sat on my bed in my room bitting my nails, I was still worried about Ezera. We haven't gotten any news because no one can visit him since our faces have been revealed to the public, was he ok?

I put all of that aside and laid down, trying to clear my mind till I got a call.

"Hello?" I said into the phone curiously, wondering who this was since I didn't save the number.

"Hey, you ok?" It was Delilah, I can tell she was concerned by the tone in my voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, you ready for the ball?" I said sitting up and smirking a little, her voice made everything feel a little better.

"Ughh I'm nervous!! I have to give a speech." She sounded whined nervously into the phone, it was cute though.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll do great." I smiled softly trying to encourage her not to be nervous, since what else could I do?

"Yeah I sure hope so, anyway what's your address so I can pick you up?" She asked casually before I felt my heart speed up, I wasn't leading her to our base... I wasn't that stupid in love.

"Oh uh don't worry about that, I'll meet you at your house." I said quickly before it went silent for a little, I could feel her suspicious aura through the phone.

"Oh uh- ok" She muttered suspiciously but still trying to understand the reasons why I didn't want her to pick me up.

"Cya." I said getting ready to hang up before she said something. I stood up and took my shirt off, looking down at my phone.

"Hey do you have a dress or something fancy?" She questioned.

"No I think I'm gonna wear a suit." I said back to her, grabbing my shirt and putting it on now as I looked down at the phone.

"Ok, come over." she said as I heard some rustling in the background, I was slightly curious what she was doing.

"Alright." I agreed and quickly hung up the phone. I got up to put my suit on.

(it was just a regular black suit, nothing fancy. In fact she stole this from some dead guy, what a shame.)

"Alright guys I'm gone." I said

"Look you know what you have to do right?" Questioned Lola. I groaned and nodded, leaning my head back.

"Yes I know the plan." I replied in a annoyed voice, crossing my arms and looking back over at her. I was still annoyed I had to dress all fancy and shit.

"Ok make sure you get the password to the safe so when they're talking all their shit, we can get in there and steal the crown without them even knowing." Lola explained as she was watching tv. The countdown on the ball was on.

"ok *sigh* cya"
I said walking out the house till Axel said something, I frowned.

"You should get her flowers, that would be nice" he said with a slight giggle, I couldn't tell if he was being serious or joking. I squinted my eyes at him and closed the door making my way to my car.

💭- should I get her flowers?


* knock knock* I stood outside, with flowers in my hands, god I felt stupid. *ding* someone had texted me, it was Delilah.

D: The door is unlocked, come to my room I need help

"Hm." I said curiously looking down at my phone, what could she need help with?

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