Lost in this shit

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After seeing the tweaker we all wished eatch other good night and me and vinnie had rooms right next to eatch other but tbh I honestly wasn't sure me. I walked to jack and not vinnie bc well I wanted to give vinnie a break from me like not in a bad way I just don't want him to get annoyed with me and then I blow my chances of ever being even his friend."hey jack I'm like not 100% sure where my room is lol" "oh yeah I'll TOTALY show u" jack said. Me and Jack started to walk up the stairs and I looked up to see vinnie at the top and he went from a stone cold face to a smile instantly. "I'll take her to her room Jack" vinnie said and grabbed my by the waist to bring me closer "oh. Alright." Jack said "thank you tho Jack" I said.

Me and vinnie started to walk to our rooms and then he took me to mine "yeah so this is yours room and basically mine is right next to yours" vinnie said before opening my door for me "thank your vinnie" I said with a smile he opened my door and looked in side as well and saw nothing at all "fuck..." I said under my breath I smiled a bit and I looked at vinnie trying to hold in laughter but we both ended up laughing out asses off completely

(Time skip after dying)

"God this is so fucking funny" vinnie said with tears in his eyes from laughing so much "fax" I said "do u have a blanket and I pillow" I said to vinnie but he had a confused look on his face then he said "why are u sleeping on the floor if so the fuck your not u can sleep in my room" my heart started to pound "I uh-I yeah sure" I was so embarrassed how fucking bad I just fucking stuttered I saw him smile "my clothing hasn't even shipped yet like my luck is great" I said to vinnie but like my luck is pretty great I get to be with vinnie and now sleep in his bed.....any girls dream bro "u wanna barrow some sweatpants and sweatshirts to hold you over for the next couple of days?" Vinnies asked "yeah totally" we both started to get ready for bed and u had sneaked a picture of me in his clothing and sent it to Angelica and text her -bitch I'm sleeping in the same bed as vinnie and I'm in his sweater......- I said she didn't answer bc of different time zones and stuff I got into bed and was facing vinnie while sleeping and he was facing me.

(Vinnies pov)
Damn yn shit DIDNT even ship. Bro I need to talk to Jack I mean I think I might like yn....do I like her I mean ifk .....WHO AM I KIDDING SHES GORGOUSE AND HAS A GREAT PERSONALITY! But like I would not have ever thought she would like me I mean I'm super fucking clingy to her. I started to drift to sleep when all of a sudden yn had turned to face the other way and started to scoot back in me.....big spoon and little spoon... god she's so perfect looking.....damn (btw this was all in vinnies thoughts but like yn did scoot on vinnie)

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