Well fuck...AAAAA

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"Let's go back to the house" vinnie said while giving me a hug. We started to walk out and we got in the car and drove off.

We got back to the house and went to take showers. I was on tiktok after my shower and vinnie had came in. I was looking at nose studs/rings. "Do you like that piercing" I looked back bc I didn't know vinnie was in my room "oh um yeah" I said "do u want one?" Vinnie asked. I looked confused for a second but the I realized vinnie had one "yeah" I said "do u want me to pierce you?" "Ummm sure".

He whent to his room and came back with sewing needs, lighter, napkins, jewlery, and hydrogen peroxide. I looked a bit scared but I trust vinnie.

"Ight get ready for this" vinnie said "I'm ready I'm always ready". He had finished  sterilizing the needle and the skin.

"Deep breath" I had my hand on his shoulder "and out" I breathed out but I didn't feel the needle go throught..."OW FUCK" I yelled with a wince he did it after the breath "my hand had digged into his shoulder.

He threaded the jewlery in. And he jestered I should check it out in the mirror "I look hot" I said out loud "yes you do" vinnie said with a smirk I looked back and smiled.

I started to walk up to him and I was going to do somthing I'd thought I would have never done ever before.

(Vinnies pov)
I just did somthing so bold but maybe now she will get the hint that I have a big fucking crush on her. I never got to tell her how I felt but ig maybe I should do it now. I saw her walking up to me and now I'm starting to get a bit nervous but I gotta do this.

Hyper love///vinnie Hacker Story Where stories live. Discover now