Scrambled like a egg

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"Ight let's go out for breakfast in like 30 minutes since we woke up so late" vinnie says already walking to his closet "okay" I said I started to walk to my room and I opened my door to see nothing in my room at all. "Fuck" I said. I whent to kovrs room and asked for some clothing "hey my shit never came in like clothing and shit" I said "oh shit, wanna barrow some of mine for right now?" Kouvr said "yeah" I said. Kouvr started to walk to her closet and she got out a pair of black leggings and a dark red t-shirt style crop top. "Thank you kovr your a life saver" I said walking out of her room. I got dressed and the outfit was basic but that's okay. I definitely need some jewelry to tie it all together. I went and knocked on vinnies door but before I was able to vinnie walked out "oh sorry,heyyyyy" I said kinda frantically. Vinnie laughed I know he could notice I was being a bit frantic with my words. "Hey, are u ready?" Vinnie said "yeah" me and him started to walk and then mid way down the stairs vin askes "which car do u wanna take" BRO HE HAS MULTIPLE CARSSSSSSS "ummm idk you pick" I said looking back at him with a smile and I already saw him looking at me and smiling.

We get into one of the cars and we start driving but I notice he doesn't have a seat belt on "i know I'm not your mom but BUT YOUR SEAT BELT ON" I said with a slight upbringing in my voice but still playful. He put his seatbelt on and then looked at me and saw I didn't have one on "yn" "yeah" "YOU NEED TO BUT YOYR SEATBELT ON TOO YN" he yelled but still was having a chuckle behind it. "Fuck" I said

We pulled up to the breakfast place and walked in but all of a sudden everyone came up to us and was asking for my autograph and vinnies and started to ask and take pictures with us. "Hi guysss" some fan said "are y'all dating" another said. I DIDNT answer I just kinda smiles and got a bit uncomfortable but the thing that really set me off was the bug flashing cameras "hey guys can y'all stand closer" I moved over a bit to vinnie. I looked at vinnie and saw him already looking at me. Vinnie brought me close and came to my ear "you wanna leave this shit is mad annoying" vinnie asked "yeah"

We sped walked to the car and drove away so the paparazzi taking pictures still. "What next" I asked "do you wanna go to the grocery store and get some breakfast food and we can make it ourselves?" "Oooo that's a great idea" I said

While driving I decided to say "ig our plans got scrambled..." I couldn't hold in my laughter I started to laugh at the most cheesiest dad joke ever made. "Yn I feel like you are stupid some times" vinnie said laughing a bit. We pulled into the parking lot to the grocery store

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