Drentched morning

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Me and vinnie talked for a while and then decided to get ready for the pool party  we are going to today . "Ight vinnie im going to get ready" I said "same"

(Time skip)
I walked out of my room and then down stairs to see Alex and Tomas making a YouTube video and I joined in ofc "so today guys we um are in major debt  probably" Alex said. "Hey guys" I said joining in on the vlog "oh guys if you didn't know this is the new hype house member yn" Tomas said and I waved my hand I started to walk off the and I walked outside and dipped my legs in the pool and sat on the side. I heared the door open.

Alex and Tomas walked outside. I DIDNT really notice it or cared abt it but then I got pushed into the pool.

"Ahahah" Alex and Tomas where laughing but I put up a middle finger and my makeup wasn't ruined thank god tho. "Y'all are so fucking lucky my makeup isn't ruined" I said laughing a bit but then I saw vinnie come outside and he saw me and laughed.

Alex came close to the edge off the pool and then Tomas pushed him in "FUCK U" Alex yelled laughing a bit but then Tomas got pushed in by vinnie "Oop" I said laughing a Bit.

Vinnie started to walk up to me and he put his arm out to pull me out of the water so I took the opportunity.

I pulled vinnie into the water.

At this point of time no one really cared so we just swam around in the water playing Marco pollo and shit.

After a while we decided to get out. I started to get out of the pool and that's when I realized.

I have a white shirt on and a red bra on.......fuck

"Fuck me" I said under my breath "aha what" vinnie said. I took a few step backs and kinda gestured my situation "ohhhh" vinnie said with kinda smirk on his face "stop with that smirk" I said. I feel like me and vinnie are kinda lightly flirting lately and honestly I don't mind it. "Whattttt I can't help it.....is that a Victoria secret bra" vinnie asked "yeah I actually got it from the Clarence section.....how the fuck do u know" I asked laughing a bit but a scoff  "I don't know Victoria secrets bras look sexy and the bra u have on looks sexy." He said dumb that was so fucking hot. Bro is being bold "ballsie" I said "just bold" vinnie replied. My face was so red "your face is as red as your bra yn" vinnie said but i just kinda laughed and then I started to walk up to him and then I pushed him into the water. "What was that for" he laughed "idk I didn't know how to reply so I pushed I into the water"

(Time skip me and vinnie laughed and talked for a while)

"Hey the pool party is in a couple of hours are u still coming?"

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