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I woke up in vinnies room and saw the clock it was abt 10:20 ish and I tried to get up but I had someone's hands wrapped around me and tugged me back down. I gasped and Looked and saw vinnie "hmmmm stop" he said growning i laughed a bit but god did his morning voice just hit different. I decided to be bold but I'm a nice way and I got on of his bangs and held is and started to use my thumb  and rip the top of his hand but he let go and grabbed the other hand and started to do the thing I did to him but to me. I started to get comfy again and I scooted back a bit. And all I hear from him is a subtle moan (not like that type of moan) I reached for my phone and and snapped a picture of his hands around my stomach and sent it to Angelica. Ofc I was going to keep my best friend Angelica up to date I mean she's been my friend since for ever and she's been my ride or die. I consider her to be my sister but ofc I don't tell her in sept story's abt what happened. I started to try and get comfy and started to shift around and all I hear is vinnie said "stop yn you know what your doing" he said it very drowsy and sleepy "sorry" I said.

(Time skip)

I had fallen back to sleep and vinnie was up and getting dress. I slightly peaked my eyes open and saw that all he had was boxers on and that you could see him from all Angles bc he was infront of a mirror. I DIDNT wanna invade his privacy so I closed my eyes and called for him "vinnie im away but I know your changing so tell me when your done, k" I said very sleepy and drowsy, he said "I-um okay " vinnie said. I peaked one more time but vinnie was standing in front of me dressed abt to tell me he was done  but he didn't notice I had a eye partially open "hey yn I'm ready" he said softly smiling at me. I stretched a bit making my shirt come up over my bra/boobs but I had a bra on so "hey thank you yn for giving me that heads up" vinnie said "it's no problem at all" I said confused and smiling. Why is this big deal to him. Whatever tho.

(Vinnies pov)

Iwas getting ready through the mirror na do saw yn peak her eyes at me i looked away from her and looked back seeing she was still looking at me and honestly I don't mind it. I DONT know why tho if it was any other girl I would be kinda mad but with her I'm not. I mean having people peak at u if kinda akward but I feel calm and carefree when she does if that makes sense idk what's wrong.

(Normal pov)

"Hey yn" vinnie asked "yeah vinnie" "Wanna go out and get some breakfast someplace?" "Yeah"

Hyper love///vinnie Hacker Story Where stories live. Discover now