Gazing. Into the end.

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Me and vinnie sat there in the grass and stare gazed for a little.

"Vinnie" "yes yn"

"I love you" I said to vinnie turning my head towards him. "I love you too yn" me and vinnie cuddled for a while and talked under the stairs.

"Vinnie. Im so happy I met your. And I'm so fucking happy your in my life and that we are togeather. I really really truely do love you Vincent." I was holding his hand while looking at the stars. "Yn darling. I'm in love with you and most literaly want you to be the one I marry. Im happy that your in my life."

We sat there and talked for a while.

(Time skip years from now. Me and vinnie have been togesther for abt 4-6)

"Hey babe" I yelled which echoed through our house we bought togeather. "Yes love" he answered back "what do I need to wear for this bug surprise?" I asked "oh like a nice dress or somthing." "Okay babe"

I came down stairs and saw little rose pettles leading to the balcony and little pictures of us through the years with notes saying how much he loves me and explaining his thoughts he and while taking the photo.

I finaly got to the final picture that was taken today with him and the note said.

"I can't wait to marry this girl" I looked behind me and saw vinnie on one knee.

"yn ymn yln your make the happiest person alive and I would be so much happier if you could be yn hacker. So yn will you marry me"

I looked at vinnie and my eyes started to well up with tears "y-yesss" I said while vinnie got up and hugged me. I started to cry.

"Aww baby" vinnie said looking at me with a few tears in his eyes.

He took my hand and placed the ring on. "YN HACKER" he yelled with a laugh.

(Time skip years from now like 4-5 years from now)

Me and vinnie woke up to our kid jumping on the bed "MOM AND DAD GUESS WHAT"
"What punkin" I said while rubbing my eyes "I FOUND MY DINOSAUR BLANKET"
"Sweet" me and vinnie both said.

"Can I sleep in here for the rest of the night" our kid said "yesss" I said while opening my arms for a hug and had my kid lay on my chest.

Hyper love///vinnie Hacker Story Where stories live. Discover now