2 | Resorting

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"I have been informed of last night's incident and I agree, Mr. Snape. I, however, cannot control where Mr. Lupin goes after resorting. And I have not punished Mr. Black. Last night's occurrence was an accident, simply a misunderstanding. Nevertheless, Mr. Lupin, you may leave Gryffindor if you feel more comfortable elsewhere."

I could not believe my ears. How DARE he say last night was a 'misunderstanding'. Severus could see rage filling my blood, and I looked towards his face, which was filled with alarm. I calmed myself down, and looked towards Dumbledore, who was watching amusedly. I chose my words carefully, but filled them with smite. If words could kill, our headmaster would be stabbed multiple times over and over again.

"Yes Professor. I would feel more comfortable not being in the house of Gryffindor, with someone who committed an attempted murder. With someone who tried to make me kill and injure someone. With someone who could have sent me to Azkaban. So, Sir, may I be resorted?"

Severus looked towards me, smirked and looked to the floor. Dumbledore looked towards me, shock present in his eyes, and left to get the sorting hat in an extended cupboard.

Severus spoke up, "Wow. Just- wow. Didn't know you were capable of that."

I smirked towards Severus, nudging his side with my elbow, "Better to start early, eh? If I'm going to be a Slytherin, I've got to act like one."

He just laughed back. A few moments later Dumbledore came out of the cupboard with the sorting hat. I sat down, and he put it on my head.

''The Lupin Boy! You were my favourite mind, as well as your father. Determined to be where they wanted, not unknown but very intriguing. "

"Well, I would like to see your opinions on my mind now. Care to resort me?"

"Yes. You seem to gravitate to being a Slytherin. You're more cunning than when I last sorted you. Not always a bad thing, you know."

"I'm glad, I was hoping for that. Will my greatest allies be in Slytherin?"

"Yes. Greater allies then previous allies."

"That's that then. Slytherin?"


Severus was staring at me, a wide grin across his face. Dumbledore was also staring at me, anger and confusion in his eyes, but he was straight-faced. Prick.

"Well, Mr. Lupin, you may pack your things from Gryffindor and send them to the Slytherin Room in the Dungeons. I'm sure Mr. Snape here will help you." Dumbledore explained then dismissed us.

We left the headquarters and I practically jumped with joy.

"We did it! Oh my god we did it. Sev, we did it" I laughed, holding tightly onto Severus.

He laughed with me, "Sev?"

"Yeah, sorry, it's easier to say. And I'm used to nicknames." I smiled back, still excited.

I then led Sev to the Gryffindor Tower. We made it eventually, and Elizabeth, more commonly known as 'The Fat Lady', looked towards Severus with mild discomfort.


The portrait swung open and I strutted into the common room with Severus at my side. The looks we got were really humorous. I went to my dorm and not to my surprise the others were all there, along with the traitor. James was sitting on his bed, head in hands, leaning his arms on his thighs. Peter was lying face up, hands and jaw clenched. He was pacing in his corner of the room.

"Black." I said with as much sharpness I could muster.

He ran over to me, a smile on his worried face, "MOONY! I am-"

"Shut it Black, He's here for his things." Severus cut him off with a monotone voice.

"Snivellus? Why are you here?" Sirius brutally replied, walking up to Sev, going into his personal space.

"It's Severus, you filthy mutt. Now step away from him. I can't stand to look at you." I replied, knowing he would listen to me.

Black stepped away, so me and Sev went to my side of the room and packed my things, chatting like we were the only ones there. I could feel the others staring at us. Time went by quickly, even though the people I thoroughly despise were in the room with us. It had been about 2 hours, and we had finally packed my things, all of them. I made sure not to leave anything so I didn't have to come back so I used a tracking spell and it was clear nothing had gotten lost. I also used a spell to make the bags lighter, and then me and Sev left. However, not without me flipping Black off first.

We got out of the common room before we burst out laughing, recalling the looks on the others' faces. We slowly went to the dungeons, talking about the most random things. He told me that I would probably be in his dorm, due to the other occupant moving dorms. To my surprise, they were inter-year. In his dorm there were a few boys, with a few extra places.

"Hey Sev, you never told me who the people were. The people who would help me?" I suddenly asked, after a comfortable silence.

"Oh yeah... Uhm. Me of course. And, well, their names are Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr, Lucius Malfoy, and uh. You might not like this one. Regulus. Regulus Black. The boys I just listed are in my dorm, Lucius has his own dorm but he stays in ours, as there are four extra beds." Severus replied.

"Oh? His younger brother? I don't need to worry about him, I've been talking to him for a while now, we chat in the library. He's a year lower, with Evan. Lucius, he's in his 6th year, correct? Barty is in our year. That's all right, right?"

"Yeah. Getting Regulus on board would be the best, so it's good that you know him. Wait- how do you know him? I didn't think he would trust you for a while, but he hates his brother for leav- However, Lucius will be the easiest to get help from. He has a way of getting the truth out of you. And once he gets the truth he's as loyal as can be. Barty and Evan, well they will decide together. They're easy to persuade though."

"That's good news, thanks. Sirius wanted a monster, so he's going to get one. It feels good saying his name in that sense now. I've joined you guys, I'm not leaving." I responded, smirking and feeling confident for the first time in years.

"Yes Remus! Join the snakes. You're better with us, may I say." Sev cheered. God, my life is so fucking different now.

We kept chatting, and eventually we reached the area around the Slytherin Headquarters. It was cold, in the dungeons. How fitting.

"Now, the password system is similar to Gryffin-dorks' system. It changes monthly, and our portrait is of Salazar Slytherin. The Password now is, sorry, 'Pureblood'. The prefects inform us when it changes." Sev said, reaching the portrait of Salazar. The founder of Slytherin, was a door. 

"Passw- Who are you, young sir? You are not a Slytherin." He exclaimed.

"Sir Salazar Slytherin. I am now one of the Slytherins. Remus. Remus Lupin, Sir. And the password is Pureblood." I said in awe. He was amazing.

The portrait swung open, and inside was a room full of greens and sea-blues, due to the common room being below the Black Lake, which you could see through large, reinforced windows. My eyes deceived me. Surely. It felt so much more homely then Gryffindor tower, which was always loud, busy and, well, clashy. My mouth hung open. It was beautiful.

"Remus, shut your mouth, you're not a fish." Sev said next to me, and he took me to his dorm.


Hello, chapter two is off to a good start. Well to me anyway. I understand that this may not be how the Slytherin Room works, but oh well. I originally thought that Marvolo Gaunt being there would be a good touch, but then I realised that I got my names mixed up and that Salazar Slytherin would be better. If it says Marvolo Gaunt in the future, ignore it. We met some new characters, well their names at least. And this book is DUMBLEDORE SLANDER. WHOOOOP WHOOP. Anyway, enjoy the chapters to come!

(There's also a link to a popular scene of Draco in this chapter!)


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