20 | Problems

146 10 6

We sat there in silence for quite a while, in states of confusion, sorrow and anger.

That was until Professor McGonagall came to us, looking extremely dishevelled and confused.

"Excuse me boys, could two of you come with me?"

Frank and Florian excused themselves and went with McGonagall. I needed to stay with Reggie. I wrapped my arm around him and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you Remus." He gently whispered whilst grabbing my hand.

"For what?" I asked, stroking the back of his hand with my thumb.

"Staying." He answered.

I kissed his crown, "I will always be here when you need me."

We fell into silence and the only noises were short conversations between all of us and the heart-beat monitor next to Barty, beeping slowly to remind us that he was still alive.

We sat there for a while, waiting for Frank and Florian to get back with McGonagall.

"Where are they?" Lucius asked at one point, before standing up, "I'm going to find them and figure out what happened."

We let him walk away, and Evan took a deep breath, "What's the time? How long has he been like- like this?"

His voice broke whilst speaking, and my heart fell for his misery.

"It's nearly 4pm," Pete replied, "We'll go to the great hall at half past, maybe? We can see what's happening with other people and stop any rumours."

Evan hummed in reply, and there was silence again.

"That's a nice idea." Severus awkwardly replied.

What was there to say when our friend was barely alive on a hospital bed?

I was going to say something to stop the silence but it fell short in reticence. But turns out I didn't need to. I heard loud, quick footsteps and then saw Florian and Lucius coming to a halt at our cubicle.

"Guys, you might wanna come see this." Lucius said, eyes wide, "McGonagall is hugging Pomfrey."

Florian nodded, "Yeah, but only because Pomfrey was imperios'd and made to find out exactly what happened and then report to someone. She remembers the orders, has been apologising , but she don' know who put her under the spell. She said it weren't a younger student, 'cause it was powerful, but maybe a 6th or 7th year or even a teach."

"Guys come. Quick." Lucius exclaimed.

I got up quickly and pulled Peter with me.

"I'm going to stay if someone else is." Severus replied.

Regulus nodded, "Yeah. Me too."

Evan looked at his lap, "I don't think my brain nor my heart will let me."

With that, Lucius, Frank, Peter and I speed-walked to Poppy's office. Well, they walked fast, and I tried to keep up.

"Remus! My dear, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, getting up off her chair to hug me.

"It's okay. It's just good that we realised something was wrong."

She let go, squeezed my shoulders, and then patted my cheek, "You smart boy."

She then went to Peter, "Tell Evan I'm sorry, okay?"

"Of course Miss." He replied.

She sat back down and dabbed her eyes on a handkerchief.

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