3 | Acquaintances

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It was a tad further than the dorms in Gryffindor, and we were on the 3rd Level. So, lots of stairs. We finally got to the dorm, and there were names on the wall next to the door.

-Regulus Black-

-Bartemius Crouch Jr-

-Remus Lupin-

-Evan Rosier-

-Severus Snape-

-Blank-   Lucius Malfoy (a/n pretend its crossed out lmao)



My name was already on it. My name was already on it? How? Did Dumbledore know I was going to be here anyway? Or was it the only dorm with empty beds? Doesn't matter. The first blank was scribbled out and a messy 'Lucius Malfoy' was written on it instead. I wonder who did that.

We entered the dorm, and the four other boys were there. Barty was sitting on a beanbag, twirling a dagger in his fingers. Evan and Lucius were sitting on a bed, talking to Barty. Regulus was reading on what I assume was his bed, but he looked up at me and sneered.

"Severus, Why is this filthy blood-traitor here? Get out. Now." Regulus said, with utmost disgust. This made the others look at me, frowns on their faces.

"Regulus, drop the act. He's now a Slytherin. Your brother did something unforgivable, and we were able to get Remus here resorted." Sev explained, and then looked towards me, "Do you want to tell them?"

"Uh, not really but I guess it is necessary. I'm a- a werewolf. Black sent Severus to- to where I transform every month. I nearly k- killed Severus and got sent to Azkaban. Please don't say anything. I hate him as much as you do." I explained, nervously. I don't want to go to Azkaban. Not now, at least.

Lucius got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my face, and examined it.

"Scars." Is all he said.

"Yeah..." I nervously replied.

Still holding onto my face, he continued, "You have excellent bone structure. And a symmetrical face... Tell me, why do you hate Black? I don't think he would hurt you purposefully. The looks he gives you tells me that. Do you hate the others? Potter, and Pettigrew? Did they hurt you as well? More detail, please."

"Yes I hate Black, he nearly made me a murderer. I can barely say his name without hatred behind it. I don't hate the others, but I do heavily dislike Potter. Pettigrew is alright. He never hurt me. But, when I first met them, Potter and Black were really pushy. I- I don't know why I told you that." I answered nervously.

"Good. I trust you." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, Lucius chuckled, "Evan, Barty?"

Barty put his dagger down and stood up, along with Evan. The two boys came over to me.

"So, Lupin. Why should we trust you?" Evan started.

"There's no reason to." Barty finished

"You could be lying." Exclaimed Evan

"This is all a big prank, is it not?" Queried Barty, one eyebrow raising in questioning.

"No. This isn't a prank. I promise you." I smiled towards them.

Severus, who had stayed quiet, spoke, "I was there. He's telling the truth."

Barty then smiled at me, and put his hand out for me to shake. And I did.

"I'm Barty. Barty Crouch Jr. That's Evan Rosier." He said, still shaking my hand.

"Uh, Remus Lupin." I told him.

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