15 | Morning

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I awoke in the shack, naked and cold. I was curled up in a sitting position next to the bed. I groaned in pain as I tipped my head back. I couldn't remember the fucking night, once again. I saw a little fox-like creature run up to me, with a small blanket in its mouth. He put it over me, and nuzzled my side with its head.

"Thanks." I croaked out.

He nodded, and bowed, before running away. Not long after, Pomfrey came in.

She lost her soft smile at the sight of me, "Hiya Remus, do you reckon you can walk this morning?"


I struggled to get up, but when I did I straightened my legs and groaned in pain. Madame Pomfrey helped me walk slowly to the medical wind, and I saw two matching raccoons running in the tall grass, staring at me. I smiled slightly. But it really hurt. She wasn't telling me something.

"Madame Pomfrey?" I asked slowly.

"Yes, Remus?"

"What's up with my face? It hurts."

She accio'd a mirror, "Have a look dear."

I looked in the mirror, and sighed. Another trinket for my trinket box. There was a scar slicing from above my lip, down to the right of it, then down my chin and onto the top of my neck. It was bad.

"Oh, okay." I said with a soft frown on my face. After all my years, I stopped caring.

"It will heal, like the one draping across your nose, and the little ones on your face."

"I know. Can't stop it happening, so I just.. don't care anymore."

She nodded, put the mirror away and we kept walking. We got inside and I laid down and rested my eyes.

"Remus, there is none of this 'getting out of bed and into classes' nonsense today. You will rest, okay?"


"Good. Now-"

She fed me some potions and put a few charms on me to heal my new scars. Along with the one on my face, I had a few on my waist and legs. She made sure I was comfortable before letting my mates in. Regulus rushed in and gently held my hand, and everyone followed, sitting around me. I felt a bit awkward being gawked at, but I dismissed it. They were only worried about me, after all.

"How are you doing mate?" Florian asked.

He hadn't been there for the moon as he, Frank and Mary weren't animagi.

"Good." I replied, "But a new scar has been added."

I lifted my chin so they could see the damage.

"I'm really sorry Remus," Lucius apologised, "That may have been my fault."

"Doesn't matter either way, Lucy."

"Still, I-"

"Don't care, Lucius, I really don't."

"You sure-"

"Yes. Now stop arguing with the sick person here."

He laughed and patted my leg.

We talked for a while, until they were kicked out. Regulus was allowed to come back whenever, but he left too. I fell asleep not long after.


I awoke to a screaming match, but the world was a blur.

"How dare you try to get in here and harm him? You know-" One voice screamed.

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