11 | Boyfriend

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"How is it so inexpensive? For such a beauty." He whispered, looking at the masterpiece of a magical object.

Somehow I thought he was going to say it was expensive, even though I know the Black family's fortune due to the bastard of the family.

"Ah yes. Someone brought that lovely telescope in, I enchanted it a few days ago." A young man, maybe Lucius' age, with an Australian accent told us, "Sorry, the names Florian, Florian Burbank. My ol' G-Pa's the owner. Koen Burbank. Have me mum's name. You wanna buy it?"

(Grandpa - Australian slang)

"You work here?" I found myself asking.

"Yeah. Well, when I can. I'm a sixth year Ravenclaw." He told us, "Now, you want the telescope?"

"Yeah." Regulus said breathily.

Florian took us over to the counter, before going to the display and getting the telescope. Whilst doing this, I looked around the shop. There were patched up magical cloaks, remade prank equipment and so much more. There were also wizarding versions of muggle games, and Wizarding records which had a spell so people could change the track with a flick of the wrist. I went back over to Reggie, not finding anything I could use. Florian carefully packed the telescope up, and gave it to me whilst Reggie found the correct amount of galleons for it out of his pouch. He paid, and we left as Reggie took the magical object out of my hands and carried it under his arm. Another half an hour through.

We walked around Hogsmeade for a while, basically window shopping. I brought a new quill that automatically fixes spelling mistakes, and Reggie brought a book about an old carnival. It seemed good, but not my style. This took up another hour, so there was still another hour left for us to kill.

At this point we were bored so we went to a bench and sat together, just chatting. After a while we saw Sev and Pete laughing and chatting with each other, they also saw us and came over. They sat down, and I saw Lucius talking to a tall male with brown hair, so of course I told everyone else. From a distance I couldn't really see who the other man was but it looked like- Frank? Frank Longbottom? Lucius seemed to give him a small bag, and the Frank look-a-like hugged him tightly. Lucius hugged him back, and stepped away. The Frank look-a-like seemed to kiss him on the cheek and wave goodbye to him, whilst Lucius came towards us - smiling like an idiot.

"So, lover-boy. What happened with that man? And who is he?" Severus asked.

"I- Who- What- Where- No-" He fumbled over his words.

"Lucius, can I speak with you?" I then asked.

"S-Sure? Why- Yes. But- Yes, go ahead." He said, still mumbling and fumbling over his words.

"Come with me?" I requested whilst standing up.

Not trusting his words, he nodded and we walked away together. We got a far enough distance away from the others, and I turned to look at him.

"That was Frank Longbottom, wasn't it." I blatantly told him.

"No! No- I-" He tried to lie, "Yes..."

"Knew it! Sorry, so he was the crush? How long? What did you do? What did he say?" I gushed.

"Uh- Yes, he was the crush. Since fourth year. I gave him a gift showing that I liked him, and also told him I liked him. He told me he liked me back, and hugged me. We're going for a date in a safe part of the Forbidden Forest tomorrow night." He told me, blush filling his cheeks.

"Lucius!" I yelled happily, "That's amazing!"

He simply smiled, "So, what's up with you and Reggie?"

My heart fluttered, "I- uhm. I don't know"

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