6 | Accismus

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The mix of the green and silver uniform and my more tanned skin suited each other. The jewellery also looked good with it. I strutted out of the room, leaning on the doorway. All eyes went to me.

"Good you rea-" Lucius started, then finished in confusion, "-dy?"

"Wow." Barty said, eyes wide.

"OH MY GOSH REMUS! You look so good!" Evan gushed, running over to me and eyeing me over.

I laughed a bit, and we all left for breakfast. When we were walking towards the great hall from the dungeons, Black, Potter and Peter seemed to be in front of us. Walking towards us. Wait what?

"Ah Moony. Glad we found you. Come with us." Potter said, "Alone. Now. Moony."

"No, James. You didn't say you were going to do this." Peter replied, trying to grab Potter.

Black stayed silent, but looked directly at his brother. I suddenly had an idea.

"Of course Potter. I'll come with you. Why wouldn't I? We are the best of friends after all" I replied, a smile forming on my face. I turned around and lip-synched to the others whilst rolling me eyes, "Hex these gits and play along."

"Remus. How could you!" Barty said, falling onto his knees and pulling at my jeans. Evan was trying to pull Barty away.

Severus started fake crying, and Lucius pulled him in for a hug, "Remus you ignorant ass- You made Severus cry! How dare you play us like this..."

Reggie came over to me, and softly slapped me, whilst mouthing a sorry. So fucking dramatic, but I nearly burst out laughing.

I turned back around and went to Black. Potter started smiling and tried to pull me in for a hug, when Severus hexed him with a growing teeth charm. Potter started screaming, and Black jumped back. Peter was honestly an icon, and started laughing. Severus then hexed Black with a boil charm. He covered his face, and Potter dragged him to what I'm guessing is the infirmary. I then pulled Peter in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you with those asses." I said, keeping the small boy in my arms.

He chuckled, and said into my chest whilst lifting his head up to meet my eyes, "That's alright Moony. I yelled at Sirius yesterday. I don't want to hang around with them, They're so toxic"

Regulus was staring daggers into Peter, and I let Peter go.

"Come with us then. Hang around with us, steer away from the others. It's only then at night and when you're in the common rooms that you have to associate yourself with them", I said, and as soon as he nodded his head I slung an arm around his shoulders, "Now, we've missed some of breakfast, but let's go anyway."

Whilst we were confidently strutting the hallways to the great hall, the boys introduced themselves to Peter. I told him that they knew of his Animagus situation, and that they were Animagus' too. By the time we had gotten to breakfast, everyone was halfway through dining. Yay us. Barty practically dragged Peter to Slytherin table, and unsurprisingly Potter and Black were nowhere to be seen.

We all sat down in a weirdly large gap near the end of the table. Peter sat between Lucius and Myself, whilst I sat next to Regulus. Barty, Evan and Sev sat opposite. I wasn't too hungry, so I picked at some crackers. The others all had toast or some fancier breakfast foods. I didn't even know what they were. Peter did, surprisingly. However he is a pureblood so that might explain it.

It was finally time for our first lesson of the day: Potions. With the Gryffindors. Ew. Well, apart from Peter though. He is definitely an exception. A little lion in the snake's den. We were walking towards the dungeons - Sev, me, Pete and Barty. Evan and Regulus went to charms whilst Lucius went to Divination. I continued my train of thought about Peter and the other shitholes- Wait. A lion in the snake's den. I stopped abruptly and everyone followed suit, looking at me with confused expressions.

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