12 | Secrets

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The house elf continued to stare at Reggie, before waving his arms frantically above his head.

"Whos is you?" He softly whispered.

"Regulus Black. And you?"

He squealed, and jumped up to Regulus' lap.

"No ones have asked me who I was before!" He said, touching Regulus' face.

To my surprise, Reggie stayed smiling and happy.

The house elf continued, "Jeeney, Master Regulus! I names is Jeeney!"

Regulus gave a bigger grin than usual, "Well then, hello Jeeney. And you don't have to call me 'master'. Also, may I give you a nickname?"

Jeeney nodded and squealed.

"Well then, what about JJ?"

"Yes, Yes, Yes, Mast- oh! Regulus!"

It seems to me that Regulus has just found his very own house elf. A very, very eager house elf. JJ hugged Regulus, and then hopped down to the floor, and Splott dragged him away. I just laughed at their antics before placing a kiss on Regulus' cheek. He laughed as well and started eating the pancakes the house elves had made. We finished up, and at about quarter past ten we left. JJ and Splott came and hugged us, before making sure we would come again soon. We assured them that we would, and left to go meet the others.

We got to the stairs and Reggie stopped before leaning on a wall.

"Lune, do you think we should tell the others?" He asked, looking between my eyes frantically.

"Only if you want to, love." I said, holding his cheeks in my hands.

He leant into my hands and softened.

"Maybe not for now." He whispered.

"That's fine, my dear. I can wait." I told him, before bringing him in for a passionate kiss, "I can wait forever."

When we pulled away from each other I linked my arm with his and we continued towards the Black Lake. Once we got there, the others were nowhere to be seen. We sat down at a part of the bank further from Hogwarts building, a part closer to the forest. There was a small wooden pier where we were though. We sat close enough to look like we had been before this morning, being careful to not make it look like anything had changed. We were there for maybe 10 minutes, before Reggie saw the boys on the horizon. He pointed to them, and I waved. They came over and conjured a mat before sitting down.

"Do you guys want to go for a swim?" Lucius asked.

We all said a varied yes, and stood up. Severus then conjured another tent, and we got changed one by one. Lucius was the last one in his trunks (and a tight swim top, showing off his muscles). I spelled us all to have the eye charm, and we all got in. Lucius, Barty, Evan and I jumped off the pier, and the other three simply slid in. The four of us, the more confident swimmers, dove down in the lake and swam about underwater. I looked towards Reggie a lot, and Peter was showing him how to tread water. When I saw he got it, I went over.

"Hey Remus!" Peter said, carefully swimming over to me.

"Wotcher Pete. What have you been doing?" I asked, even though I already knew.

We swam back to the others, and then he replied, "Regulus, do you want to show him?"

My love then started to tread the water, as previously he was just standing up.

"Dude, that's amazing! That was so difficult for me." I exclaimed proudly.

He smiled, and stopped. We went off to another section of the lake to chill and swim together, away from the group.

Monster // Dark RemusWhere stories live. Discover now