4 | Inception

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We all looked towards Evan with confusion. Barty even raised an eyebrow at him.

Evan continued, "Well, what happens? Are you staying with us, going to forgive your friends or something like that? We need a plan. What's going to happen?"

I wasn't too sure of that. But I was sure of something.

"They are not my friends. I was kind of hoping we all would be, well, acquaintances if anything. I need to get back at Black and you guys are definitely my best hope. " I declared.

Regulus left and we heard a faint, "It's nearly dinner time" from him. We all smiled at each other, and got ready. We each had separate changing rooms/ cubicles in a large bathroom. Slytherin dorms are officially the best dorms at Hogwarts. I changed out of my shirt and trousers into one of my usual 'grandpa' sweaters, with some deep blue jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror whilst picking up my bag of foundation and concealer, and looked towards it, then back to my reflection. I did this a few times, and put the bag back down. No more hiding who I am. I walked out of the cubicle and Evan stared at me. He was wearing a black suit, with a white button-up shirt and a deep green tie.

"No. Remus, hunny, you're now a Slytherin. No more sweaters, please. Well, unless I find one I deem acceptable. Let's find you a nice and decent suit." Evan exclaimed, going towards a beanbag where Regulus was sitting, "Reggie. Please lend a suit or something that would be suitable for Remus' good looks."

He winked at me at that last line, whilst I rolled my eyes. And Regulus stood up, and got out some dress clothes for me. He came over to me, and Evan walked to the side, and Regulus took me to my changing cubicle.

"Look Remus. I'm sorry for being a dick in front of the others. I didn't know they knew, sorry." Regulus said, a soft, pitiful look in his eye.

"That's alright. However, you need to explain this to me." I replied, assuring him gently whilst gesturing to the clothes in my hand.

He gave a faint smile, and explained the order of which I needed to change into the clothes. I nodded and shooed Regulus out of the small room. I then got changed, and opened the door. Sev was walking past and his jaw dropped.

"Remus?" He asked, "You look different. A nice different."

I looked into the mirror. The scars enhanced the tanned colour of my face, whilst my lighter, fluffier hair looked perfectly styled with no effort. I ended up not wearing a suit, rather a black button-up with black slacks. Sev was right, I did look nice.

"Thanks." I replied, a smile setting on my face when Severus walked away.

Regulus scanned me over, and said, "That looks correct."

I smiled at him and went back to the others in the main room, Regulus following closely.

Barty cheered at me, whilst the others laughed at his antics, including me.

We then walked towards the great hall, with Lucius' arm around my waist, Barty and Evan with linked arms and us all in a big group, smiling and chatting between each other. We got to the great hall and nearly everyone was staring at us, at me. My guess is that people saw me and Severus walking around the castle, and my old friends not being seen with me, and spread the news around like a disease. We started walking towards the Slytherin table, and 'The Marauders' eyes were on us as we sat down, and they looked away as all 6 of us looked towards the head's table. I was sitting in between Lucius and Severus, with Barty, Evan and Regulus across from us. Dumbledore gave a small speech, like usual, and we were allowed to eat. However, I was confused. There was fancier food on the table, like some beef thing and something that looked like pearls on crackers. Lucius, with his arm no longer around me, saw my confusion.

"Remus, you're used to red meats and more protein at dinners, are you not? Here we have more rich foods, things that would be normal at a Slytherin's home. There is rotisserie chicken just down the table a bit, would you like me to get you some? Or are you alright?" He whispered, pointing towards the different foods.

"I'm alright Lucius, I just wasn't expecting this type of food. I'll try some new things, fitting to today." I whispered back with a grin.

However Regulus heard and looked at me like I was crazy.

''Have you never had any of these foods? They're quite common, Lupin.'' He said, genuinely confused as to why I had never tried things like caviar and the other... things?

"I, um, didn't come from a stable background. And so when I was in Gryffindor I had things I was used to, but this is out of my range." I answered in a hushed tone, looking down at my plate. I pushed it away a little.

Severus looked at me, softly smiling, and so I looked towards him... It was embarrassing, being raised like that among people who were raised like they were made of gold. And other people who heard were staring at me.

"Hey, listen to me." Sev said, and I reluctantly nodded, "Don't be embarrassed. I was raised similarly. I had no clue what this stuff was, but I got used to it. You will too."

He finished with a pitiful smile. I then felt bad due to the fact that I had made him remember his past life, but he seemed fine. I slightly smiled back, but looked back at my plate.

"Hey, Lupin is it? Try the boeuf bourguignon. It's like a fancier beef stew. It's quite nice." A seventh year girl told me, who was sitting next to Evan and so heard my confession.

"Hey, the Lobster is quite nice as well. It's already shredded, so it's easy and delicious." A fourth year said.

One at a time a few people told me what each food was, a few I didn't know and some of my friends.

"Beth yw'r uffern go iawn ..." I mumbled, taking some of the beef stew with the fancy name.

(what the actual hell - Welsh)

Barty nearly fell out of his chair.

''What? Are you alright?" I asked him as he regained his posture and smiled at me. A genuine smile.

"You just spoke bloomin' Welsh. Welsh. How?" He asked, his mouth dropping open in awe.

"I was taught Welsh from my mother in my early years, and I practised it whilst at the orphanage. I now know it nearly fluently." I replied, seeing all of the group's eyes on me. It was weird, I wasn't used to this kind of attention.

There were exclaims of awe and wonder from the group, but we soon continued eating. We were chatting about Slytherin house, and how different it is from Gryffindor. They asked me about my experiences, and I asked them about theirs. This lasted nearly the full hour, but we stopped when we were dismissed and allowed to leave the hall.

As soon as we had gotten out of the hall, Lucius put his hand back on my waist. I looked at him in confusion, and he just pointed his head backwards.

Sure enough, there walking behind us were 'The Marauders'. Really?


Heyyyyyy. SO something interesting is about to happen. This was kinda a filler chapter ngl. But we learnt some stuff about Remus over here so that's fun. Other languages - other then English - will be in bold, so you know. And the translation will also be in bold on the line underneath, and if someone explains what it means then that will be in bold instead. Anyway have a good day mate.


Monster // Dark RemusWhere stories live. Discover now