8 | Fracture

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"Boys, I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Black and Mr. Rosier are in the hospital wing due to bone-breaking curses sent to both of them. They shall be fine, but will have to stay in the wing overnight and part of tomorrow."

What the FUCK. I'm pissed now.

"Who the fuck were the ones who sent the spell?" I asked, the Welsh accent I tried to hide coming through.

"We are not sure Mr. Lupin. And please refrain from using that language." Slughorn answered.

"Remus is right for what he bloody asked. Sir, respectfully I do not give a shit about my language at the moment. Excuse me, but my fucking boyfriend is in there, because some dickheads hexed him? And my best friend? And you don't know the fucking culprits who I want to kill and hex into oblivion? That's bullshit! Utter bullshit! Let me at least fucking see him!" Barty cut in, accent also coming through.

Prof Slughorn was taken aback, "Mr. Crouch-"

"No! Let me see him!" Barty screeched.

"Sir, please. I ask you, let us see our friends - and in Barty's case, his boyfriend." Severus cut in, shoving his hand over Barty's mouth.

"I cannot allow that." Slughorn answered.

Lucius spoke up, "Sir. Most of us here come from families higher than yours, with more wealth and power. I do not use this to my advantage, but right now I will. How do you feel if Lady Black found that you had not allowed her son comfort in a time of need? The same with Lord Rosier. We have lots of heirships, and our fathers could get you fired in an instant. So, Professor Slughorn, may we see Regulus and Evan?"

"I- I'll ask Madame Pomfrey." Slughorn answered, and he instantly left.


Lucius just smirked at us, and Poppy came out.

"Boys, I am sorry, but you cannot visit them! Visiting times are over! Lord & Lady Black and Lord Rosier have been informed, and are the only ones who can visit Mr. Black and Mr. Rosier." She informed us.

"But Madame Pomfrey! It's my partner in there! Please!" Barty begged.

"My answer is final, no." And she walked back to take care of Reggie and Evan I assume.

"Ah, It's the traitors!" I heard Black say from behind me.

"You. You did this!" Barty yelled.

"You have no proof, with my blood-supremist brother and that ugly boy's bones withering away on their beds, there is no way you could know if it was me." He laughed, "They're lucky Poppy is here, and that the curse wasn't too strong."

Shit. He did not go there.

"I will KILL you Black! Mark my words!" Barty screamed before pulling his wand out. Black followed.

Barty shot first, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Black froze up, not expecting a bind - rather a curse.

Potter pulled his wand out, and I shot 'Stupefy' at him.

He fell backwards, and Barty shot the body bind to him as well. We all then sat outside the Medical Wing, and Walburga Black was strutting down to the Medical Wing, with Orion Black. Reggie's parents. And following them was Lord Rosier.

"Evan and Reggie both don't like their parents. Reggie's parents abused him due to Sirius for his whole life, and Evan's mom was killed by his father." Barty explained.

The Lords, and one Lady, simply stepped over the two dickheads on the floor, and Lady Black -Walburga - kicked her first born as she stepped over him.

"Ah, Bartemius Crouch Jr, care to tell me why my son is in there with his bones regrowing, and you are out here?" Lord Rosier strictly asked.

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