5 | Pandemonium

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"Moons!" I heard Black yell, running up to us. Did he really not get the hint?

The others turned around and had seemed to realise what was going on, and so put on masks of disgust and outrage. Well, I don't really think it was masks - most likely true emotion.

Upon noticing the silent pandemonium, Black sneered, "Chill the fuck out, we just want to talk to Moony."

"Well, why should I care? I don't want to speak to you." I replied, an easily readable sense of anger showing on my face.

"Moony. Please." Potter begged, stepping closer to me.

I felt Lucius' grip around me tighten, and Potter seemed to notice and stepped towards Black. I pried his fingers off of me, and I stepped towards the two of them.

"No" I coolly said, and then walked towards Regulus, grinning at him and then looking back, "I no longer want you. I no longer need you."

Black looked taken aback, and Potter tried to get words out. And Peter walked towards me. I looked at him, taking confident strides, and wondered what he was doing. And he wrapped his arms around me, tightening a hug. He let go, and looked up at me.

"You always gave the best hugs, Remus." He vocalised, and walked towards the other two and dragged them towards Gryffindor tower. Potter and Black tried to protest, but Peter didn't look back and kept dragging them.

I was lost in a daze, when Sev put his hand on my back and led me to the Slytherin Dorms. After a while we made it to our room. I sat on my bed, pulled the curtains around me, and cried. I sobbed and wept and tears flowed out of me and they didn't stop. They seemed endless. All of a sudden everything came back to me. Every time Peter would stay with me, protecting me from the other two's jokes when he found out I was a werewolf. Everything. I feel so bad for Peter. Leaving him there with them. All good memories of Peter came flooding back like a Tsunami, it was taking me out and pulling me to new memories, reminding me of the kindest Marauder. Oh god. O duw mae'n ddrwg gen i... I was finally slowing down my wails, them turning into sniffles. I summoned a mirror, and my face was red and my eyes were puffed. It felt like I had been crying for hours.

(Oh god I'm sorry)

I used so many tissues, and sat facing the wall, just in case anyone came in. I suddenly felt strong arms around me, hugging me from behind. I turned my head and Regulus sat there, softly smiling at me. I turned fully around and dug myself deeper in the hug. Regulus murmured soft words, like 'its alright' or 'cry all you want'. I hid my head in the crook of his neck, away from the world. It had been a few minutes, and I finally let go. He looked at me, and his face just said 'I know how you feel.'

"Diolch Regulus" I said, hiccupping. I'm so fucking emotional.

"Um Lupin, I don't speak Welsh. Are you alright? Do you need anything?" Regulus asked softly, concern filling his voice but not his face.

"That was a thanks. And I'll be alright. I just feel really bad for Peter." Whilst still hiccupping, I did try to get my words out coherently. I don't think that worked though.

"Hey, do you mind if the others see you?" He asked, staring at me.

"Please no..." I said, covering my face in my hands, "This is so embarrassing, I'm so sorry. You can leave if you want..."

"What? No. I'm staying with you. You couldn't get rid of me if you wanted to. I'm just going to tell the others to bugger off." He replied, unwrapping his arms around me and leaving.

I could hear him telling the others to leave, and to go take a walk or something like that.

He came back, and laid down.

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