14. |Bad News|

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Roman had been carrying me everywhere since I had my foot broken by Victoria.

"Baby, I've only got a broken foot. I'm not dying." I tell him.

"I know you're not, I just want my princess to be as comfortable as possible." He smiles, shrugging his shoulders a little.

"I appreciate it baby, but I've got crutches to get myself around with, and I'm pretty sure I can make myself comfortable. If you really wanted to help me, you could make me a smoothie." I smile at him innocently.

"Mango, peach, and ice. I got it." He bods, running out of the room.

He treats me so well.


"TOP LEFT CABINET." I shout back at him.

I heard the blender crushing up the ice, and then the thuds from the fruit were added.

About a minute later, he arrived with my drink.

"You are the greatest man in the world." I smile.

"Is there anything else you want before we go get your foot checked out?" He asked.

"I don't think so. What time is my appointment again?" I ask.

"2:30." He answers.

"I guess I'll need to take this to go. It's 2:15 right now." I say, standing up.

He holds into my arm as I went to get my crutches.

"I probably would have fallen if you weren't there." I say, relieved.

"That's why I'm here." He tells me.

I was at the doctor, waiting for them to take me back to get my foot looked at again.

"What do you think he's going to say?" He asks.

"Hopefully something good, but I've got a feeling it'll be something bad." I admit.

"I hope it's good too, babe." He smiles, patting my leg.

"Rose Reilly."

I stood slowly, and crutched my way to the office we were put in.

"The doctor will be in soon." She says.

I nodded, and took a seat on the table.

"I don't want to give you any ideas, but what if he tells you that you'll never be able to wrestle again?" He asks. "From how your foot looked when they took your boot off, it might look that way."

"We'll cross that bridge if we come to it." I say.

"Sorry." he apologizes.

"It's not your fault. You were just stating your observation." I say.

The doctor came in with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Ms. Reilly. How's the foot feeling today?" He asks, rolling over to me in his chair.

"I mean there's some sharp pains when I move it around, and adjust the position I've got it in, but other than that, I guess you could say okay." I shrug.

"I'm going to get this cast off your foot, so I can really get a good look at it." He says.

He pressed a button on his pager, and started writing in his notepad.

"What are the odds that this could end my career?" I ask.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. That's why I'm getting this cast off." He says.

I nod.

A man comes in holding what appears to be a saw.

My eyes widened.

"It's not going to hurt you, dear. I promise." The man chuckles.

I nervously nod my head, looking over to Roman.

He smiles at me, and nods.

The saw was turned on, and he began cutting through the cast that had been on my foot the past 2 weeks.

"OH my." He says, taking a step back.

I sat up in concern.

"I don't know if you'll like the sound of this, but you're going to need emergency surgery on this foot. Shepard, call an ambulance!"

"What?! For what? What's going on with it?" I panic.

"Dear, I would advise you to calm down." The doctor says.

Roman grabs me Bybee shoulders, setting my back down on the table.

"Please just tell me what's going on, or at least something." I beg.

"I'm afraid you won't want to hear what I think, my dear." He says.

I look at Roman, tears filling my eyes.

"My career is over, isn't it?" I ask, lookin the doctor deep in his eyes.

He took his glasses off, and sighed.

"It's not good news." He shakes his head.

"Be straight forward with me." I demand, growing angrier by the second.

"I'm afraid your career is, in fact over.." He says, resting the glasses he had been holding in his hand, down on the table.

"I can't believe this. I finally had everything I wanted, and now it's all getting taken away from me." I shake my head.

"Your surgery is scheduled for 4pm." He says sadly. "I am so sorry, Ms. Reilly."

He leaves the room silently, without another word.

"I can't believe this. All my hard work, all my sacrifices. Gone." I say.

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