Friends to lovers💗 : taehyung part 1

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Author's pov

A very beautiful morning. y/n opened her eyes slowly and her eyes went to the clock . It's 8 am , Wait 8 AM?!!!
She hurried out of her bed mummering " Shit ,I am late ". She got ready wearing a cute outfit

 She got ready wearing a cute outfit

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(your outfit)

She hurried down and saw taehyung (her bestfriend) waiting for her .

"So you are late again. Let me guess what is it today? The bed was too comfy to leave or your timer didn't go off? " Taehyung said with a teasing tone.

"Stop it " y/n said getting irritated.

"Get in"

"Wait ,first tell me how am I looking?" She asked him curiously.

Taehyung 's pov

I looked at her as usual she was looking gorgeous. Her beautiful doe eyes , pink lips , perfect body .
I just can't stop adoring her. But
doing the responsibility of an bestfriend and not making it obvious I have a crush on her I have to make fun of her.

"You look like a pig"

"Yah! Tell me the truth,I am going on a date with yeonjun"

Again that yeonjun my blood boils when I hear his name out of her mouth. Why did he have to come between me and y/n, why did y/n had to date him ?!!

" You look good just get in already we are going to be late " I said with a straight face .

"Ok fine"

Author's pov

They both talked the whole ride than reached the university and attended their lecture.

Time skip

The professor left and y/n and taehyung were exhausted.
Y/n turned to taehyung and said

"Tae I am hungry"

"You are already eating my brain isn't that enough for you"

"Ohh you have a brain, I didn't know " y/n said dramatically gasping.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and said "what do you want?"

"A burger"

"Aren't you becoming a burger eating those burgers , Y/n you should eat something healthy, I will go bring a sandwich "

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