highschool crush 💗: surprise part

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Y/n pov

"Dannielle! "

"Ouch my ear " she said as I nearly screamed in excitement.

" He asked me on a date "


"The Mr. Perfect Jeon jungkook!!! "

She stared at me with a shocked expression.

" Are you sure you weren't dreaming?'

"Dannielle! " I said as I hitted her playfully.

"Ok ok , but wait how did you reply to him please Don't tell me you did something stupid ? "

As she said that as I smiled at her sheepishly .

"You did ?!! "


"You have to go on a date with me "

No no no , I gotta be dreaming the great Jeon fucking jungkook is asking me out.

How do I reply?

Should I play hard to get ?

My mind was a total mess and I ended up saying " And what if I don't want to go on a date with you " that was meant to be flirtatious but I ended up stuttering.

He frowned and started leaning in and I stared  backing off sinking into the chair .

His  face was just inches away and we were looking into each other's eyes.

I could feel everyone's gaze at us .

" Do you still don't wanna go ? "
He said in a husky voice against my lips and my insides did a flip flop.
My blood rushed to my cheeks causing them to turn pink.

He smirked seeing my red cheeks and whispered in my ears " Don't dare to lie babygirl, your pink cheeks show the truth"

That's it . I AM DEAD. BABYGIRL?!!!

He backed off causing his warmness to go away from my skin and I don't like it .

" Saturday, 10 am in front of xxxxx boba cafe , I will be waiting for you honey " he said and winked at me and he was about to leave but I asked him.

" Your number?"

" So you want my number huh ? "

" I me- an if I won't be able to come so I will atleast call y- "

"Here" he said passing me a piece of paper.

And he left leaving the pool of butterflies in my stomach.


"Ok that's not stupid "
Dannielle Said.

"Omg gurl I can't believe you are going on a date with the Mr perfect Jeon fucking jungkook "

"Sameee I also can't believe I am going on a date with Mr perfect Jeon fucking jungkook "

We said as we jumped up and down in excitement.

" Ok let's go shopping " dannielle said and I bobbed my head in excitement.

Time skip

We went to shopping and bought a dress for the date some shoes and accessories.

Dannielle Said I can use her makeup so we didn't buy that.

On Saturday

On Saturday

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