Highschool crush 💗 : JK oneshot

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" What does he think of himself ? "

" Just because he is handsome doesn't mean he can do anything he want "

" That Little piece of shit "

Saying that the girl murdered her lunch with the fork.

While her best friend watched her feeling bad for the food .

"Ouch , Don't hurt the food "

" And don't forget you have a crush on that lItTlE pIeCE oF sHiT "

She said imitating her voice while the other girl was fuming with anger.

Are you wondering what's going on here? Wait let me explain.

So y/n is a highschool 2nd year student and has a crush on her senior.

The Mr. Perfect.
There is nothing he can't do .
Name it and he can do that .
Sports? Has gold medal in every sport.
Studies? Always at rank 1.
Music? Has a voice that can melt your ears.
Art? Can paint you as you are .
AND sooo handsome that every girl drools over him.

Who is he? You ask.

Jeon jungkook

But what did he do that made you so mad well for that lets go a little back in time.

Come hop on my time machine.

Few hours ago
Y/n pov

"What is this y/n ? " Mr.lee shouted at me while showing me my excellent marks in chemistry .

"Are you even studying? "

"Sorry sir , chemistry is just too hard for me" I pleaded as I can't understand a bit of chemistry.
This chemical that chemical is just so confusing.
Why do we have to learn all the elements name.

"But this won't work y/n , your exams are close you need to paas the test atleast" he sighed and rubbed his temple.

" Well I recommend you ask Jeon to tutor you "

Wtf? Did I hear it right ? No no can't be there are many Jeons .

"Jeon jungkook? "

He nodded " yeah he is the best student in chemistry and will atleast help you paas "

Ok .
There is no way this is happening.

" Thank you sir , I will think about it"
I bowed to him and left.

Think about it? Never .
He is telling me to ask that super gorgeous boy who makes my heart race at the speed of a bullet train to tutor me one to one ?
No way in the hell.

While I was thinking about this I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh I am sorr- " And guess what ?
It was the Mr perfect himself. I wonder that's why the chest felt so hard I swear he spends all day in gym .

" Oh you are y/n right "
Ahhh he knows me he knows me

"You know me? "

" Yeah you are in the dance club"
Did I tell you earlier oh he is a dancer too and that's how I got a crush on him when I first saw him in the dance room.

"Anyways bye "
He is going? No wait . Ok y/n stop being a chicken and ask him to tutor you maybe he will start liking you ?

" Umm sunbae ( senior) "

" Yeah " he turned around to look at me.

God . Why is he so handsome I am forgetting how to speak.

" Actually mr.lee told me that you can tutor me in chemistry so if you are free can I get tutions from you? "

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