Why me? 🤍 : Jimin oneshot

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Hi !
My name is Lee y/n
My life is pretty normal, studying in my dream college, working on my dream to become a dancer , having a good family and friends - oh!
Such a nice word it is but
Not for me
Wanna know why?

Let me tell you,
How this pretty word became a nightmare for me.

4 years earlier

I was in 10th grade. Quietly sitting on a bench doing my homework when I saw him.

" Good morning class , Today we have a new transfer student with us , please introduce yourself " Our teacher said .

"Hello everyone, I am Park jimin "

Jimin , that was his name. I looked and saw a boy with a lean frame, average height , small eyes and full lips . He was very attractive.

" I came from Busan . Please take a good care of me " saying that he smiled and that smile.

That smile made him 10 times more attractive.

"Thank you park jimin , you can go sit next to Lee y/n "


He came towards me . I smiled at him and gestured him to sit next to me . He smiled back and took his sit .

" Hi , what's your name? "

"Lee y/n "

"Park jimin "

"Friends? " He asked .

"Why not ? " We shook hands and that very moment he entered into my life .

But maybe I should never have done that .

6 months later

We grew close .

"Yah ! Y/n ! " He yelled at her while looking at the his locker which was a total mess.

"What ? "

"Do u have a death wish ? " " Why did u do that?! "

" Because I wanted to"

"Yah! Come here"

I started running and he chased me . We were running around like 5 year olds around the whole school.

I was happy. You were happy.

We were best friends.

And maybe I should have stopped there.

1 year later

Slowly, slowly you showed me all of your sides .

"Y/n , let's go for practice"

"Ok "

We both went to the dance room and practiced for our upcoming dance competition in which we both are participating as a pair .

" You have to bend your leg a bit more"

"Yah ! Daebak ! (Awesome) how are you so flexible jimin ah ? "

" I know, I am fantastic" he said dramatically flipping his hair .

"You are so good at this"

"I am good at many other things, want me to show you" he said with that dirty smirk .

Just how much I wished you would stop flirting with me like that .

"Shut up, before my shoe lands on your face "

" Ok ok , back to practice"

After sometime

While practicing a hard step and I was about to fall when he came held me by my waist but we both last our balance and landed on the floor.
With him on top of me .

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