✨save her ✨: Final💗

26 2 18

Namjoon's pov

After the personal concert,I could see that y/n was looking much more better.

Her eyes had life in it again.

But still she needed to talk it out. She needed someone to listen to her so that she could get the weight of her chest and I could see that.

The boys left after greeting their goodbyes to her.

" Bye y/n , see you around later" jin said as he gave her a warm smile and left.

"Btw y/n who is your bias?" Jungkook asked in curiosity as jimin interrupted.

" Of course it's me , right y/n?"

I swear I am gonna kill him later for winking at her.

Y/n awkwardly chukled as she glanced at me.

"Umm it's actually rm"

My eyes shot up wide as looked at her.

Taehyung fake coughed from afar.

Yeah gonna kill him later too.

Jimin awkwardly left as jungkook tried to control his laughter and left soon too.

Now in the room it was just me , y/n and Nabi.

The gloomyness returned to her face as she got lost in her thoughts.

Ok time to show my amazing comfort skills.

What ? Did I say something wrong?

I glanced at Nabi as she understood what she had to do.

"Ok y/n I think I should go , I have school tommorow, will you be fine on your own?"

Y/n looked at her and about to nod when she cutted her off " Of course not you won't, that's why Namjoon is gonna stay with you as he finished all his schedules lately right oppa?"

I smirked at her. Proud of my sister.

"No I will be fine real-"

"It's ok y/n I can stay" I said as she looked at me with her innocent big doe eyes.

Why is she so cute?

"Ummm ok I guess" she said as she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Ok bye guys, have fun" Nabi said as she went out.

"What do you mean by have fu-" before she could finish Nabi went out.

She pursed her lips together as she glanced at me and then quickly looked away.

I went towards the couch beside her bed and sat there as the atmosphere became awkward.

After a moment of silence she decided to break it.

" You really didn't have to stay you know" she said still looking down.

"I had to"

" Why ? Why would someone like you spend your precious time on someone like me? "

She was too insecure. She didn't understand her self worth and it hurted me to see her like this.I held her hand in mine as I said.

" Y/n... You are not just someone. You are a beautiful human inside and out and no matter what anyone says don't lose your self worth"

Tears started floating down her eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my chest and my stomach dropped seeing her like this.

"But then why I can't succeed? I tried my best.... But all the get in return was failure. Why does everyone think I am useless? I can't I do anything right ....I can never make my parents proud so what's the use of having a person like me alive I should just di-"

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