Jealous💗: yoongi oneshot

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Y/n pov
l was waiting for him since hours.I
kept glancing at the clock but there was no sign of him.

I was starting to feel hungry and sleepy. Again I looked at the clock at it was 12:15 am .

Seriously? Where was this guy?

Before I knew I dozed off on the couch.

After sometime I heard the doorbell ring.

I woke up and saw the time it was 12:45am.

I went towards the door and opened it for him .

He walked past me and kept his coat on the sofa.

" Mr. Min Yoongi, care to explain why are you late? " I said as I folded my arms infront of my chest.

" I had a meeting , you should have slept" He said walking towards the room .

"Aren't you going to have dinner? "

"No , I ate outside. You should sleep" He replied coldly and went towards our room to have a shower.

I lost my appetite.

Well, hey I am min y/n . Yoongi and me are married since 3 months. It was an arranged marriage. Our parents were childhood friends so they decided to marry us off.

I have always tried bonding with him but he never coperates . He is always cold towards me .

I started to think that he doesn't like me when I fell for him in the 1st month of our marriage.

But his daily cold behaviours have started hurting me now. Somehow I can't get used to it.

I sighed and walked towards our room without eating anything.

Next day

I was getting bored as always when I suddenly got a text from my best friend kazuha.

Kazuha: Bitch!!!! You got married and didn't even tell me?!!!!

Y/n : Sorry!!! It happened so fast I didn't get to tell you. When did you came back from London?

Kazuha: 1 week ago , well we should meet up I want to know about your husband. Is he handsome?

Y/n : yeah , he is🙈

Kazuha: Omg gurl!! You are in love.

Y/n: but there is one problem

Kazuha: What is it?

Y/n : He still acts a bit cold.

Kazuha: hmm , meet me at the cafeteria where we always use to meet. Your bestie is here to rescue you babe ;)

Y/n : ok , thank you so much 💗

At the cafeteria

"Hi babe" kazuha said as I noticed her and basically jumped on her. Side affects of not seeing your bestie for too many days.

"God , I missed you so much idiot"

"Me too "

We gave each other a bone crashing hug as we sat down and ordered our drinks.

We talked about everything that happened in the past years we have not met . She told me she got engaged just a few months and is going to marry soon.

Her finance Kim Namjoon is the most sweetest person in the world. She met him at the university in London.

"Wow congratulations gurl"

I told her about yoongi , how our parents fixed our marriage and we had no choice but to accept it. How I fell for him but I don't think he does.

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