My ex is a pervert : final

18 1 24

Author's pov
Y/n frustrated with what happened at the party went home.

She couldn't stop thinking about what Jungkook said .

I guess people never change.

That's what she was thinking as she reached her House.

She went to put the passcode but something else caught her eye.

Her eyes widened in panic as she saw the bills papers scattered in front of her door.

"But I gave money to Eun byeol to pay everything..."

Eun byeol- y/n's little sister and her only family

She quickly put on the passcode and went inside looking for eun byeol calling her out again and again.

But there was no trace of her.

She went to her room and found a Letter.

I am sorry but I can't live like this anymore. I wanna be an idol and I can't pretend to give up on my dreams just because we don't have a family.
Ik you are working hard for us but I promise to return all of your money once I debut.

Y/n's eyes widened reading that letter.

She started breathing heavily worried for you her sister.

She quickly took out her phone with trembling hands.

" Eun byeol ah , Pick up the God damn phone! "

Even after calling her several times she didn't pick up.

Y/n dropped to the floor, worry, frustration and anger all hitting her at once.

Tears flowed down her eyes as all the frustration and pain she kept inside her poured out at once.

She sat there and kept crying for a long time.


The next day y/n woke up with a mild headache and decided to stay at home.

She tried calling her sister a few more times but couldn't reach her out.

Her head started pounding more.

She was yet to be paid her salary so all the money she had was just 10000 won.

It could only feed her for the day.

Her headache wasn't going away either.

She decided to stay home and skip meals and tried to calculate whatever she could pay.

She got a text from her landlord asking for the rent which was not paid for 3 months.

He was warning her to leave the house.

All she could see was darkness and she tried to search for eun byeol.

The next few days she called every agency see could but she couldn't find her anywhere .

She didn't eat anything and instead paid all the bills except rent.

That's why in frustration not finding any help she called one person she could think of.

Her legs stumbled into her apartment her stomach and head throbbing not being able to walk straight.

She called Jungkook while feeling dizzy.


She could hear his voice but it kept getting fainter .

Somehow she managed to say " Jungkook .. I need your help "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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