Friends to lovers 💗: Taehyung part 2

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Y/n pov

I freezed in my place. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I felt like someone just stabbed my heart a million times.

I saw yeonjun break the kiss and said I love you to that girl.

That made it more painful for me. So I wasn't the only one he used to look at this lovingly. Everything he said to me , everything he promised, Everything was a lie.

Unknowingly tears started falling from your eyes like rain.

Suddenly I saw yeonjun noticed me so I left from there not wanting to appear weak in front of him.

Author's pov

Yeonjun noticed Y/n and pure horror took over him. He thought he managed this well but Y/n came too early. He started thinking of excuses and went after Y/n.

He held her wrist to stop her and turned her around.

"Don't touch me" y/n said jerking his hand off .

"Babe listen, I can explain"

"Don't call me that and what are you going to explain? I just saw you k-iss-ing he-r " Y/n said yelled at him but her voice broke due to all the crying.

"Baby it's not what to think -"

"Can you just fucking stop acting innocent?!"" I should have never accepted your proposal you are such a fuck boy" " I loved you and what did you did ? You fucking betrayed me." Y/n said crying hard.

" Go fuck someone else and Don't show me your face again you fucking asshole"  She left from their still crying like hell.

And here was yeonjun Unbothered .
"She was not beautiful anyway" he said that and went to the girl he was kissing earlier.

Y/n went to taehyung and saw him waiting for her.

She knew he would be worried if he saw her crying like this but she couldn't help it .

Taehyung heard someone crying and turned around and saw y/n crying miserably.

He panicked and went to her and asked "What happened y/n?"

He felt terrible when you didn't answer him instead just hugged him tightly.

He hesitated a bit but hugged you back .

"What happened y/n ? Why are you crying? You are making me worried. Tell me"

"He ..he che-ated on m-e " Y/n said before crying out loud in Taehyung 's embrace.

Taehyung felt like breaking every bone in that bastard's body . He wanted to go right now and kill him but he thought he would take care of that later . First he has to take care of Y/n .

He caressed her back calming her down.

"Shh shh it's okay I am here now .
That asshole didn't deserve you anyway . You deserve better y/n .You deserve the world."

After sometime time Y/n calmed down and taehyung took her to his car giving her a bottle of water.

Taehyung 's pov

My heart hurts seeing her like this. I should have never let her date that playboy. I knew someday he will break her heart. Her eyes are all red and swollen and my heart breaks seeing that .

I drove to her house. Her parents aren't home as they are never really home due to their business.
So I stayed with her.

"Should I order some pasta for us ?" I asked.

She just nodded.

We sat on the couch while I ordered.
We cuddled each other and I told her how yeonjun didn't deserve her and she shouldn't waste her tears for someone like him.

While all this happened a thought came to my mind. Should I confess?
I mean she broke up So ....
I don't know.

What if she think I am a creep confessing to her right after she broke up.

No but when will I get a chance like this . We are so close right now.

I fought all the thoughts on my head and came to the conclusion that it's now or never.

We were sitting in comfortable silence. Her face was buried in my chest and she was playing with my shirt buttons while I was caressing her hair.

I broke the silence and called her.

"Y/n "

She looked up.

"I want to tell you something"

She sat up indicating me to continue.

I am so nervous. What if she rejects me? No taehyung man up .

"Actually... Umm I know you just got out from a relationship and that too he che-ated on you but I wanna tell u that I like you"

I noticed her expression change.

" Fuck like I love you , I always had. I just want you to know that I will never break your heart and I will always be by your side . It's ok if don't want to answer me  I understand"

I said everything in one breath and excepted a rejection from her .

"I love you too taehyung"

"I know you don't - wait what?! "

"I love you"


"Omg I can't believe this"

"Umm so.."

"So.." she teased .


She started laughing and said
"Omg  taehyung you are so cute "

Saying that she kissed me . At first I was shocked but soon took over the control.

Y/n pov

When taehyung confessed what he felt I realised everything.

He was always there for me . In my darkest days he was the one who cried with me and he was the one who cheered me up . He never left me. And his eyes tell me that this is true love .

I didn't hesitate before saying

"I love you too taehyung"

He looked suprised too suprised I guess.

"Umm so"

I knew he wanted to kiss me but I played a bit .



Can he stop being so fucking cute?!

I couldn't resist anymore and kissed him. He kissed me back. He grabbed my neck and tilted his head to deepen the kiss . His hands wrapped around my waist and soon things started getting intense.

Just when he was going to my neck
' ding - dong' the bell rang.

He cursed under his breath and said

"I shouldn't have ordered that thing.
I could have you for dinner"

"Omg tae shut up and open the door" I said hitting his arm playfully.

And that's how we became

Friends to lovers 💗



Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed it .
Sorry for such a long chapter.

Do you guys want a epilogue?

See you next time.

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