My ex is a pervert : Jk twoshots 💗

27 3 21

Y/n pov


First interview...

I am going to ace this of course!

I said as I flipped my hair back mummering to myself " you got this y/n , fighting! "

Hi , I am shin y/n , my dream since childhood was to work in a food company.

I always loved cooking for my friends and family and they really loved the dishes I made so My boyfriend in college-


let's not talk about that.

I, ME , AND MYSELF decided to study and become and work in a big company which manages restaurants .

So yeah here I am.

Jeon food estates.

The company I am going to work for.

I entered the huge building and brushing my pencil skirt and adjusting my bag. I took confident steps towards the reception.

" Excuse me? "

" Yes , how many I help you? "

" Oh , I am Shin Y/n I applied for job interview today"

"Oh yeah, welcome ma'am come with me , I will take you to the waiting room "

I passed the lady a smile as I followed her towards the big room where lot of other girls were waiting.

Some were nervous, while some were just touching up there make up wearing revealing outfits.

I rolled my eyes thinking 'disgusting' .

There was a rumour that the man who takes the interview is very handsome and some girls just apply for this company to get in his pants.

Ignoring them I sat down finding a empty chair waiting for my turn.

You can do this y/n , you have never lost in anything.

Author's pov


The man is his late fifties almost spit the tea he was drinking as he looked at his son whining like a small kid.

" Yah! Don't be so loud"

Jungkook pouted like a whiny kid as he said " You expect me to stay calm? I was so embarrassed in front of that girl- "

The old man's eyes widened as Jungkook realised what he was saying and quickly slapped his hand on his mouth .

" Aish, you have again started with those flings of yours?! You brat! "

Jungkook pouted as he looked down .

Mr.Jeon put the cup down as he said " Jungkook , focus on the company will you? How are you going to take after me if you can't even get promoted to be the president? "

"How is that related to my black card? "

" Look at this brat, talking back to your father now? Where are your manners Jungkook? "

Just then Taehyung entered the room as he examined the situation there and slowly tried to take steps back but just then Mr. Jeon noticed him and called him.

" Oh , Taehyung you are here? "

Taehyung shut his eyes and passed a fake smile to Mr.jeon and looked sympathetically at his best friend/Boss
And Jungkook shut his eyes too knowing very well what's coming next.

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