shower with me 🔞: taehyung smut

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Edit: this is very cringe so you guys can skip if you want

"Ok that's it when the hell will you stop bullying me "

Y/n said getting irritated by his school bully taehyung.

"Ok so you want me to stop" taehyung said with a smirk plastered on his face that's very familiar to you.

" Hell yes"

" have to do a dare "

"What!?" Y/n said knowing very well what he was up to.

Taehyung is known for this in the whole school first he irritates someone till they would do anything to get rid of him and then give them a dare which would suspend them from the school.

"You would have to a dare and after that I promise I will never bother you" Taehyung said with the smirk never leaving his face .


Y/n thought for a while that he would never again bother her and she can live peacefully.

"Ok fine I will do it" y/n said.

"Fine so your dare is " Taehyung started coming close to y/n and whispered in her ears sending shivers down her spine

"Shower with me"
Y/n ' s eyes widened she said

"Wtf😳😳 I would rather die"

"Think about it just shower with me and then I will never ever bother you " taehyung said in his deep voice.

Y/n thought this was a golden chance like who wouldn't want to shower with such a hottie and she won't deny it that she had a crush on him those eyes ,deep voice, perfect body.

Y/n said "fine I will do it"
"Ok then see you at 8 babygirl at my place"Taehyung said again with his familiar smirk.

At Evening

Y/n went to taehyung place ringing the doorbell.

It was easy for her as they lived it the same building.

"You really came well I knew I was irresistible"tae said .

"Don't flatter yourself much let's just get to it already" y/n said .

"Impatient I see fine soo..."

Warning ⚠️
Mature content ahead if you
Are uncomfortable with this please stop reading from here and start when it's mentioned.

He started coming close to y/n
Y/n heart beating like crazy he came and whispered "let's shower babygirl"

They went to the bathroom and started removing there looking everywhere but in each other eyes.soon there were all naked .

Taehyung came close to y/n turned on the shower and looked at her from head to toe while licking his lips y/n said "Yah! Stop looking like that it's embarassing"

"Why? you are beautiful" taehyung said in a Deep and husky voice as y/n just blushed .

Taehyung turned y/n around and hugged her from behind Making their naked bodies touch each other as hot water flowed through their body .
He started moving his hands through y/n curves and then started kissing her on the neck as a little moan escaped her mouth.

Taehyung thought "cute"
Soon the bathroom was filled with steam as taehyung turned y/n and said "aish y/n you are driving me crazy" and kissed her passionately.
Y/n was lowkey enjoying this .she kissed him back .

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