My ex is a pervert: Jk part 2 💗

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Author's pov

Taehyung and Jungkook were sipping on their whiskeys as they stood at Jungkook's terrace.

Looking at the night sky as Taehyung broke the silence between them "What's on your mind? "

Jungkook was broken out of his deep chain of thoughts as he looked at Taehyung questionably.

He sighed as he said " Jungkook , last time we met like this you broke up with y/n so what's wrong? "

Jungkook looked away from him avoiding eye contact " Nothing"

" I know you like the back of my hand jungkook , Are you gonna tell me or not? "

Jungkook rolled his eyes at his best friend as he sighed and said " Fine.."

Taehyung waited for him to continue as he still avoided eye contact continuing "Well it's about y/n.. I think I went overboard.."

Taehyung's eyes widened as he asked him " Jeon Jungkook What did you do to her? "

Jungkook passed him a sheepish smile as he recalled the events of the past week .

Day 1

"Y/n !!!"  

Jungkook singed with a ugly smile on his face as y/n frowned in confusion . She took her files with her going to his cabin.

"Yes sir?"

Jungkook turned to her as he smiled and said " I need coffee" 

y/n frowned "And why are you telling me that ? " 

" Because you are my PA?"

Y/n rolled her eyes as she kept the files on his table and said " Fine"

she stormed out of the room and mumbled to herself " Now he is gonna treat me like his servant ? uhh I hate him so much ! "

After sometime the door opened Y/n entered the cabin as she kept an Iced coffee on the table and was about to leave but jungkook stopped her saying " I don't like iced coffee" 

y/n turned to him in fuming anger and said " Are you kidding me ? you always liked ice coffee? "

Jungkook turned to her with his smirk as he said  " people change Miss y/n "

y/n closed her eyes trying to calm herself " Ok then what . do." she said emphasising every word .

Jungkook said looking right into her eyes "" he said the same way Y/n asked him as she gritted her teeth loudly closing the door while going out making jungkook  flinch as he shook his head but smirked at his plan being successful.

Y/n kept bringing him drinks. 

Cold coffee

Cafe Americano



but no matter what she brought jungkook just said 

" No"

" nah"

" I had this yesterday "

" not in the mood for this"

At last Y/n got frustrated and bought lots of drinks together and kept it on his table with force and Jungkook just Smirked.

Y/n passed him a fake smile and said " here is your drinks sir , drink whatever you want and whatever your mood wants!"

Jungkook looked up at her and said " You seemed frustrated honey, you can leave this job then" he smirked.

y/n sighed understanding his intentions and saying " Whatever you do Mr. JEON YOU CAN'T MAKE ME LEAVE THIS JOB!!" 

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