✨Save her✨: Namjoon threeshots 💗

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Caution: This is a total work of fiction I am not trying to accuse any company in any way.

Flashback (2years ago)
Author's pov

Y/n was very excited as she looked over the tall building with HYBE LABELS written on it.

HYBE LABELS.....My dream

She thought as she entered into the  building.


She showed everyone her brightest smile as she was being introduced to her new trainee friends.

"Hi I am y/n"

She introduced herself as she could hear the whispers whispering something in the foreign language she wasn't able to master yet.

But seeing their expression it didn't take her time to understand that it wasn't something positive.

The instructor told her to dance , rap and sing as everyone was awed at her performance.


Namjoon was just passing by the door when he saw an unfamiliar in the trainee practice hall.

She was rapping and that made him stop and listen to her.

She was amazing.

Looking at her he could tell that she was a foreigner.

He wanted to move forward but his feet seemed to be stuck to the floor as he watched her in awe.

As she finished she smiled at everyone and bowed politely taking her seat.

Her smile.

It...it was beautiful

Namjoon seemed fascinated by this new girl and her smile made his heart beat go fast .

He was confused about how his heart beat so loudly for someone he just saw.

He forced himself to look away from her and he smacked himself to bring him back to reality.

"Namjoon ah you gotta work"

Saying that he went to his studio.


Few weeks  after y/n's arrival she was put on a diet as in the k beauty standard she was "too fat" to be beautiful.

She started participating in song writing and learning the new language.

But as she was put on a diet she started feeling very sick and even informed about it to the instructor but she shrugged it off saying she was just making excuses for not doing well.

Even after giving her best somehow she was always last on the list.

She didn't let it affect her as she kept trying.

Where as on the other Namjoon who was instructed to look over the lyrics few trainees wrote in English as he was free after all his schedule were done.

But nothing caught his attention  .

Until that one papper.

He was simply awestruck by the thoughtfulness of the lyricist as he looked to find the name of the writer.


He simply smiled to himself at the thought of her.


Namjoon was just passing through the building gate to go back home as he watched a girl with some dogs around her .

The dogs were Wiggling around her as she was feeding and playing with them.

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