✨Special kiss✨: Park Jimin Oneshot

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"What?! "

The girl snapped at the man in front of her who pouted his mouth again.


"Shut up Jimin! "

"I am sorry"

The guy said convincing his girlfriend in front of him but then stopped trying when she ignored him for the 100th time today.

He sighed as he looked at her leaving the room.

Jimin and y/n are in the last year of their high school and are roommates.
They started dating last year and are the cutest couple in the whole school.

Now don't go like what in the Asian world is this?  How can a girl and a boy be roommates?  Well, they don't live in school campus but in a Apartment outside.

Now y/n was mad at Jimin for not replying to her and leaving her on seen for a whole day.

Jimin was busy with his friends that day and forgot that he planned a movie night with his girlfriend.

So y/n decided to leave him in seen in real life.
He has been trying to convince her from the morning but she is ignoring him or giving him short and Rude replys.

Jimin was thinking how to convince her as a message popped up on his phone.

Group  chat
7 NoRmAl BoYs FrOm KoReA


Jungkook language!

What happened kid?

I couldn't buy banana milk today,  there was not even beef there!! Life sucks.

I got the last plate sikeee

What am I gonna do with this kids?

Why are you guys ruining my sleep?

Who hurt my yoongi?!

Jimin shook his head. As he decided to ask them about this.

Guys!  I need to ask you something.

Wait Jimin, we are talking about my life problems.

Oh shut up kookie! What is it Jimin?

So you finally got time for us.

Bro finally focused on his friends instead of his gf.

Guys!  He has to say something.
Continue Jimin.

Umm it's about y/n...

What is it?

Did you hurt her?

Jimin I swear to god I will feed you to holly if you did anything to my sister.

Woah that was faster than agustd rap.

Look Jimin, this is what happens when you cheat on your soulmate 🤧

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