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- he'll decorate the chrsitmas tree with you and joke about it

- would find out about elf on the shelf and want one

- play a little less game on Christmas eve & day

Mini story:
"Arisu come on decorate the tree with me!" You shouted from the living room,getting out baubles and tinsel.
"Coming!!" He shouted back and you heard a door opening
"Uh what do you start with?" He asked after coming up behind you.
"Let's start with the baubles then we can put on the tinsel :)" you replied passing him a small box of them
"And I just put them anywhere on the tree right?" He asked once more,lifting a bauble up from the box looking at it.
"Yeah anywhere you want" you smiled at him,putting a few on the tree.
After a while of listening to chrsitmas music and putting on baubles,you turned to arisu to see him putting some of the tinsel on as a scarf.
"Arisu what are you doing" you giggled
"Oh sorry do you not like my new fashion style" he said,turning around and flipping the tinsel in your face
"Arisu stop" you laughed


- you guys would make Christmas cookies together

- she'd be out a lot less since most of her time was spent climbing mountains so you'd watch chrsitmas movies together

- since you'd eat KFC in Japan for chrsitmas you guys would go together to order and pick it up :) and it would just be a really fun time for you guys to hang out

Mini story:
You smiled at usagi as you watched her lay the shaped cookies on the tray,putting them in the oven.
"Is something wrong?is there something on my face?" She asked looking back at you
"Huh what" you said,distracted
"I asked if something was on my face? You were looking at me alot" she asked once more
"No,there's nothing on your face you're just really pretty :)" you smiled at her and watched as she blushed and looked away,smiling.


- watch Christmas movies together,cuddling with hot chocolate

- you adding some chrsitmas colours into her hair

- going on walks in the park and going back home quickly because you got cold

Mini story:
Kuina turned around to look at you in the kitchen. You were currently making both you and her some hot chocolate so that you could watch movies together and cuddle,but she was getting impatient.
"Come on how long does it take to make got chocolate" she asked leaning back on the couch she was currently laying on
"I can't find the masrhmallows baby, I'll be there soon" you replied closing the door to the cupboard you were just looking in.
"Oh I have them" she said lifting then up and stretching her arm out,showing you
"Why do you have them? Uh nevermind thank you" you said grabbing them and putting them on top the hot chocolate.
Now with the drinks finished,you walked over to the coffee table Infront of your couch and put them down, sitting next to kuina and picking out a movie for you to watch.


- I think he's be naturally really warm so you'd cuddle up to him or hug him every opportunity you get

- he would nail the christmas presents for you and your family

- he would still be a bit busy due to work as a doctor but he'd have more time for you

Mini story:
"Chishiya,do you want to watch a movie?" You asked your boyfriend as you got out a bag of cookies from the cupboard which were his favourites. And yours.
He didn't reply so you asked a little louder.
"Chishiya?" You asked,he wasn't at work today and you know he didn't leave so where was he
"Yes?" He replied walking towards you.
"Would you like to watch a movie?" You asked,now looking at him and smiling,admiring his beauty
"Mm sure,I don't see why not" he said,humming an walking to the couch in the living room
"Great I'll go get a blanket :)" you said walking into your shared room and grabbing the warmest blanket you have.(Slavs and balkans stand up‼️)
You walked back into the living room also grabbing the cookies on your way and sitting next to chishiya. You handed him the cookies as he smiled at you and turned on a random movie.
You layed the blanket over the both of you and put your head on his shoulder,kissing him on the cheek and revelling in his warmth.


- chrsitmas drinking

- joking around with weird chrsitmas hats he puts out in his shop

- doing his hair specifically for chrsitmas.

Mini story:
"Takeru,darling can I do your hair?" You asked him as he displayed more hast on the shelves of his shop.
"Mhm later baby I need to finish this,than we can go home and you can do my hair" he said,continuing what he was doing.
~𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎~
"Okay baby you can do my hair if you want to now" takeru(hatter) said and sat down next to you.
"Yay!! Okay I'll go get the bows and tinsel!" You said happily skipping off to get everything you needed and coming back still smiling wide.
You sat down behind hatter and slowly brushed out his hair with your fingers,it wasn't too tangled so you started putting small bits of sliver and blue tinsel in his hair. Tying 2 small pigtails in his hair and putting a green and red bow on either side.
"And Done!! What do you think baby" you asked handing him a mirror.
"It looks great love,I'm so sparkly" he replied smiling and turning back to you,giving you a kiss.


- this man can cook. You can't change my mind. And he cooks well. But mostly only on Christmas if you ask.

- decorates the house really well

- always invites hatter

Mini story: you aguni
"Yeah (N/N)?"
"Can you make me (F/F) ?"
"Right now?"
Aguni got up from where he was sitting next to you on the sofa and went into the kitchen,your chrsitmas lights colouring his skin in a multitude of colours. He got out all of the ingredients and started cooking. The delicious aroma of your favourite food filling your nose. After he was finished he put it on your favourite plate and also made your favourite drink handing it you.
"Thank you so much baby" you said,kissing his cheek as he sat back down next to you.

That's it for this chapter! I hope you enjoyed :) if you did please vote! I tried to make these atleast the slight bit christmassy but if it wasn't obvious I ran out of ideas near the last 2 characters or so 😔
But yeah I'll also try to update daily but I can't guarantee that I will as it's difficult for me to get ideas,or atleast good ones.

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