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Fluff, another Kyūma story requested by @ xyuzuhax  enjoy!:)

"Yo Kyūma!" You shouted at Kyūma who was currently laying on the floor,staring at the ceiling.
"Yeah?" He said, not looking at you
"You know you need to help me with the songs right? I can't just do this myself" you sighed out and put the pencil that you were writing with down onto your desk.
"But I don't want to :(" he whined as he turned on his side to look at you now.
"Awe :( Too bad." You faked empathy for him.
"You're so mean sometimes" he said as he got up and walked over to you, sitting next to you.
"Thank you, I do try." You replied and smiled at him. "Now help me with the lyrics"

He helped you write the lyrics,with a few distractions in-between. One to call uta and ask about performance times,the second to just annoy you with random questions like "are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes?", The third to tease you about your handwriting, the fourth to get food. The list goes on and on. Eventually you managed to finish the lyrics and sent them over to the rest of the group so they can come up with the rest.

"Why is songwriting so exhaustinggggg" You whined as you leaned back on your chair to stretch.
"Usually I'm the one complaining" Kyūma laughed out
"Yeah and now I am" you stated and sat back up probably.
"Can we go to sleep now?" He asked, obviously tired.
"Mm yeah come on" you said and yawned, just as tired as him.

You two walked over to the couch as your bed seemed to far away, Kyūma layed down first and you next to him and cuddled closer to him.
"Do we have anything else to do today?" You mumbled into his side
"No" he replied while he was playing with your hair
"Mm okay thank you" you said and tried to get even closer to him than you already were. He was really warm. After a few minutes you both fell asleep and ended up sleeping for a really, really long time.

Kinda a short one but I hope you enjoyed! I imagine Kyūma as someone who has alot of body heat for some reason,he just seems like a really warm person.
Please vote and/or comment to get my book out there! Thank you for reading :)

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